The“inner-vision is the most important dimension of originaI artistic or scientific thinking. To bring the green of nature,the vision of the flow of waters to a concrete ruined dump is a worthwhile struggIe for those who wouId rebuiId thei r cities,rejuvenate and regenerate their communities.The g reen of nature is so necessary to human health-the joy of growth in springtime,or summer'smaturity—that pa rks become a physicalnecessity in a city like New York.
The“inner-vision is the most important dimension of originaI artistic or scientific thinking.
To imagine what was not thereand how to achieve it,not d ream but work toward it.cause it to be—isn’t this the root/route of any artistic or scientific achievement?
If you can’t dream it,you can’t do it.
To bring the green of nature,the vision of the flow of waters to a concrete ruined dump is a worthwhile struggIe for those who wouId rebuiId thei r cities,rejuvenate and regenerate their communities.The g reen of nature is so necessary to human health-the joy of growth in springtime,or summer'smaturity—that pa rks become a physicalnecessity in a city like New York.
From the swimmer.diver view:imagine being a springboard,and being a springboard,feel the swimmer bouncing on it,the joy of the springboard giving to the perfect swimmer the high arch,the perfect dive.There is joy in fountains,water is power in a running river and to have been part of so much living culpture is improbable and gives hugely to the spirit/energetics.That the improbable becomes real can be immensely joyous.
Urban Space as Work of Art
Let's Go!
Art for the People:The First Decade of Soculpture Park
Round Art
The Socrates Years
Being There
The Landscape That Could
Open Studio
Vanishing Points
What If...
Exhibition History
List of Artist
Notes on the Contributors