paranormal UK [ˌpær.ə'nɔ:.məl] US [ˌper.ə'nɔ:r-] adjective ■impossible to explain by known natural forces or by science 科学无法解释的,超自然的,神秘的•paranormal powers/events/forces超自然的威力/事件/力量 •This book is about people who claim to have paranormal abilities such as ESP and mind-reading.这本书探讨那些自称有超能力、会读心术等特异功能的人。 UK [ˌpær.ə'nɔ:.məl] US [ˌper.ə'nɔ:r-] noun the paranormal ■all the things that are impossible to explain by known natural forces or by science 超自然现象(或事物)•investigations into the paranormal对超自然现象进行的探究 |