Yet it is only this century that Donne has been indisputably established as a great poet - and even, many feel, the greatest love poet of them all. Jonson went on to remark that"That Done, for not keeping of anaccent,deserved hanging", yet Donne's rhythms, once thought "unmusical"are now recognized as the natural rhythms of the speaking voice; his"eccentricity"as a complex self-doubt; his 'obscurity' the reflection of a brilliantly learned and allusive mind.
Yet it is only this century that Donne has been indisputably established as a great poet - and even, many feel, the greatest love poet of them all. Jonson went on to remark that"That Done, for not keeping of anaccent,deserved hanging", yet Donne's rhythms, once thought "unmusical"are now recognized as the natural rhythms of the speaking voice; his"eccentricity"as a complex self-doubt; his 'obscurity' the reflection of a brilliantly learned and allusive mind. Poets such as Eliot and Empson have found Donne's poetry profoundly attuned to our modern age, while Yeats' glowing comment will always be true:"the intricacy and subtlety of his imagination are the length and depth of the furrow made by his passion." This volume, superbly edited by Professor Smith, is the first complete edition to make a serious attempt to guide the reader closely through the complexities of Donne's poetry. Considerable attention has been paid to the text,and a selection of the important manuscript variants are included. This edition is also the first to make use of the newly discovered manuscript of the verse letter to Lady Carey and Mistress Essex Rich.
Table of Dates
Further Reading
A Note on the Metre
Songs and Sonnets
Air and Angels
The Anniversary
The Apparition
The Bait
The Blossom
Break of Day
The Broken Heart
The Canonization
The Computation
Confined Love
The Curse
The Damp
The Dissolution
The Dream
The Ecstasy
The Expiration
Farewell to Love
A Fever
The Flea
The Funeral
The Good Morrow
The Indifferent
A Jet Ring Sent
A Lecture upon the Shadow
The Legacy
Lovers' Infiniteness
Love's Alchemy
Love's Deity
Love's Diet
Love's Exchange
Love's Growth
Love's Usury
The Message
Negative Love
A Nocturnal upon S. Lucy's Day
The Paradox
The Primrose
The Prohibition
The Relic
Self Love
Song (Go, and catch a falling star)
Song (Sweetest love, I do not go)
Sonnet. The Token
The Sun Rising
The Triple Fool
Twicknam Garden
The Undertaking
A Valediction: forbidding Mourning
A Valediction: of the Book