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单词 laugh
释义 laugh
UK [lɑ:f] US [læf] verb intransitive
■to smile while making sounds with your voice that show you think something is funny or you are happy (出声地)笑,大笑
They laughed at her jokes.听了她讲的笑话他们都笑了。
I couldn't stop laughing.我情不自禁地笑个不停。
I said he'd have to give a talk and he laughed nervously.我告诉他说他必须发言,他听后紧张地笑了起来。
She's so funny - she really makes me laugh.她太有意思了——真让我笑死了。
It's very rare that a book is so good you actually laugh out loud.一本能让你笑出声来的好书真是不多见。
It was so funny, I burst out laughing (= laughed suddenly and loudly).太有意思了,我放声笑了出来。
I laughed till I cried.我笑得直流眼泪。
UK [lɑ:f] US [læf] verb intransitive
be laughed out of court
■to be considered as too silly or impossible to take seriously, especially in a court of law (尤指在法庭上)被一笑置之,不被重视
The proposal will be laughed out of court.这个建议会被认为荒唐可笑。
UK [lɑ:f] US [læf] verb intransitive
be laughing (also will be laughing) UK informal
■used to tell someone that they should not be worried by a particular situation, because they will get an advantage from it 不必发愁,会好起来的
If the loan's approved you're laughing.如果这笔贷款批下来,你就不必发愁了。
UK [lɑ:f] US [læf] verb intransitive
be laughing all the way to the bank informal
■to be earning a lot of money easily 轻易发大财,轻松赚大钱
We'll be laughing all the way to the bank if this deal works out.如果这笔生意能成交,我们一下子就能赚很多钱。
UK [lɑ:f] US [læf] verb intransitive
be laughing on the other side of your face UK (US laugh out of the other side of your mouth)
■used to tell someone that although they are pleased now, they will not be pleased later when things do not happen as they expected or planned 到时候就笑不出来了,得意变失意
She's pleased with her promotion but she'll be laughing on the other side of her face when she sees the extra work.她很高兴自己能获得晋升,不过等她明白自己要多做不少工作时恐怕就笑不出来了。
UK [lɑ:f] US [læf] verb intransitive
be no laughing matter
■to be very serious 不是开玩笑,不是闹着玩的
It might seem funny but I tell you what, getting stuck up a tree is no laughing matter.卡在树上看起来可能很好笑,不过我跟你讲,这可不是闹着玩的。
UK [lɑ:f] US [læf] verb intransitive
Don't make me laugh! informal
■said to someone to show that you cannot take their suggestion seriously 别开玩笑了!
You'll pay? Don't make me laugh!你要付钱?别开玩笑了!
UK [lɑ:f] US [læf] verb intransitive
He who laughs last , laughs longest / best. saying
■said to emphasize that the person who has control of a situation in the end is most successful, even if other people had seemed originally to have an advantage 谁笑在最后,谁笑得最好。
UK [lɑ:f] US [læf] verb intransitive
laugh your head off (also laugh yourself silly) informal
■to laugh a lot, loudly 大笑不止,狂笑不已
You laughed your head off when I fell!我摔跤了,你却笑个没完!
UK [lɑ:f] US [læf] verb intransitive
laugh in sb's face
■to make it obvious to someone that you do not respect them 当(某人)的面嘲笑
They'd laugh in your face if you suggested me for the post.如果你提议让我担任这个职位,他们准会当面嘲笑你。
UK [lɑ:f] US [læf] verb intransitive
laugh like a drain UK informal
■to laugh a lot, very loudly 狂笑,爆笑
UK [lɑ:f] US [læf] verb intransitive
laugh up your sleeve
■to secretly find something funny 窃笑,暗自感到好笑
They're very polite in your presence, but you get the feeling they're laughing up their sleeves.当着你的面他们都很有礼貌,但你能感觉到他们在暗自发笑。
UK [lɑ:f] US [læf] verb intransitive
you've got to laugh (also you have to laugh) informal
■said when you can see something funny in a difficult situation 还是值得一笑,还有可笑之处
UK [lɑ:f] US [læf] verb intransitive
  Phrasal Verbs   laugh at sb/sth  ADVANCED 
■to show that you think someone or something is stupid 取笑,笑话
I can't go into work looking like this - everyone will laugh at me.我不能这个样子去工作——大家会取笑我的。
■to treat someone or something as if they are not important or do not deserve serious attention 嘲笑,蔑视
If you say that, people will just laugh at you.如果你那样说,人们就会看不起你。
UK [lɑ:f] US [læf] verb intransitive
  Phrasal Verbs   [M] laugh sth off
■to make yourself laugh about something unpleasant in order to make it seem less important or serious 对…一笑置之
She tried to laugh off their remarks, but I could see she was hurt.她试图对他们的话一笑置之,但我看得出她的内心还是受到了伤害。
UK [lɑ:f] US [læf] noun countable
■the act or sound of laughing 笑;笑声
a loud/nervous laugh放声大笑/神经质的笑
I was embarrassed at the time, but I had a good laugh about it later.那时我很尴尬,但过后却觉得非常可笑。
■an enjoyable or funny activity 令人愉快的活动,好玩的活动
"How was the party?" "Oh, it was a laugh."“派对办得怎么样?”“哦,相当好玩。”
■mainly UK informal
■someone who is funny 好玩的人,有趣的人
You'd like Sharon - she's a good laugh.你会喜欢莎伦的——她这个人很风趣。
UK [lɑ:f] US [læf] noun countable
for a laugh informal
■If you do something for a laugh, you do it for enjoyment 取乐,开玩笑
Just for a laugh, I pretended that I'd forgotten it was his birthday.我假装忘了那天是他的生日,只是想开个玩笑。
UK [lɑ:f] US [læf] noun countable
You're having a laugh. UK informal
■used to show that you think that what someone has just said is not reasonable or fair 你在开玩笑
£500 to cut down a tree - you're having a laugh, mate!500英镑砍一棵树——老兄,你简直是在开玩笑!




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