The world's funniest Idndergartner is back in--JUNIE B.JONES IS A BEAUTY SHOP GUY.Park is truly a funny writer. Although Junie B. is akindergartner, she's sure to make middle graderslaugh out loud. Don't miss the other Junie B.Jones books.
What's the bestest job ever?A beauty shop guy, that's what! And Junie B. Jones is going to be one when she grows up. But first she needs a little practice. And a few volunteers. Like her bunny slippers. And her dog. And maybe even...herself? Is Junie B. on her way to a great new career? Or is she about to have the worst hair day ever?
1. My Brand-new Different Name
2. Meeting Maxine
3. Practicing
4. Snipping, Snipping, Snipping
5. Teddy and Tickle
6. The Trouble with Tickle
7. The Terriblest Trouble
8. Hats
9. Learning a Lesson