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编辑推荐 Just as there is a fundamental difference in the use of the words naked and nude, the unclothed body can evoke a feeling of delight or shame, serving as a symbol of contradictory concepts - Beauty and Indecency. This distinction is explored by Kenneth Clark at the beginning of his famous book The Nude. Earlier still, Paul Valery devoted a special section of his essay on Degas to this subject. 内容推荐 Just as there is a fundamental difference in the use of the words naked and nude, the unclothed body can evoke a feeling of delight or shame, serving as a symbol of contradictory concepts - Beauty and Indecency. This distinction is explored by Kenneth Clark at the beginning of his famous book The Nude. Earlier still, Paul Valery devoted a special section of his essay on Degas to this subject. 目录 Bacon, Francis Bahhus Beckmann, Max Blanchard, Jacques Bonnard, Pierre Botero, Fernando Botticelli, Sandro Boucher, Francois Brauner, Victor Cabanel, Alexandre Caravaggio Cezanne, Paul Corot, Camille Courbet, Gustave Cousin, Jean " Coypel, Noel-Nicolas Cranach the Older, Lucas Dali, Salvador Degas, Edgar Delocroix, Eugene Denis, Maurice Donatelleo Duchamp, Marcel Dufy, Raoul Durer, Albrecht Ernst, Max Flandrin, Hippolyte Freud, Lucian Gauguin, Paul Gentileschi, Artemisia Giorgione Girodet-Trioson, Anne-Louis Goya, Francisco Guerin, Pierre Narcisse Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique Kahlo, Frida Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig Klimt, Gustav Larionov, Mikhail Leger, Fernand Lempicka, Tamara de Magritte, Rene Man Ray Manet, Edouard Masson, Andre Michelangelo Millet, Jean-Francois Modigliani, Amedeo Moreau, Gustave Munch, Edvard Picabia, Francis Picasso, Pablo Polyklet Poussin, Nicolas Raysse, Martial Rembrandt Renoir, Auguste Rodin, Auguste Rubens, Peter Paul Schiele, Egon Schule von Fontainebleau Tintoretto Tizian Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de Valadon, Suzanne Vallotton, Felix Vanloo, Carle Vel6zquez, Diego Wesselmann, Tom |