内容推荐 本书为中国有名漫画家常铁钧先生戏曲水墨漫画作品集,从20世纪80年代中期开始“老戏新画”的创作,到1993年获得中国漫画界优选荣誉“金猴奖”,常铁钧先生的漫画创作,得到了同行专家和广大读者的高度认可。“老戏新画”用传统水墨画的笔法,从经典戏曲桥段中生发,用漫画语言讲述现代故事,因而具有漫画所特有的奇巧性、评议性和幽默感。他的画,笔法潇洒,时见诙谐,为当代之水墨漫画佳作。 目录 序 陈黎青 中和之美——常铁钧先生戏画的审美追求 王九成 漫画部分 Caricature Section 1.荒山泪 Tears shed in the barren mountain 2.老戏新画组画:子教三娘 哭不倒的长城 皇帝的新装 贵妃不醉酒 The brand new edition of fourtraditional Chinese folk tales:A son teaches his mother,The Great Wall which will not collapse for sorrow of Meng Jiangnu,The emperor’s new clothes,The imperial concubine who is not drunk 3.挑不动的滑车 The immovable pulley 4.武松后传 The continuation of Wu Song’s story 5.武松打店 Wu Song at an inn 6.打龙袍 Beating the imperial robe 7.《十五贯》新编 The new edition of Fifteen Strings of Cash 8.《遇皇后》新编 The new edition of Meeting the Empress 9.钟馗剑 The sword of Zhong Kui 10.《赤桑镇》新编 The new edition of Chisang Town 11.四进士 Four scholars 12.回荆州 Back to Jingzhou 13.将相和 Reconciliation between the two officials 14.金钱豹 Chinese leopard 15.三打白骨精 Beating lady White Bone three times 16.野猪林 The rescue in wild boar forest 17.打督邮 The dirty official punished 18.打黄盖 Beating Huang Gai 19.拿高登 Arresting Gao Deng …… 绘画部分 |