to-ing and fro-ing UK [ˌtu:.ɪŋ.ənd'frəʊ.ɪŋ] US [-'froʊ-] noun uncountable ■repeated movement from one place to another 来来回回;往复•Inevitably, when both parents have custody of the child, there's a lot of to-ing and fro-ing between them for the child concerned.当父母双方都对孩子有监护权时,孩子不可避免地要在父母之间不断地来回奔波。 ■(also to-ings and fro-ings) ■varied and repeated discussions and activities 纷繁复杂,繁琐,忙乱•The legal to-ings and fro-ings could delay the start of the trial.繁琐的法律程式可能会延后开审时间。 |