token UK ['təʊ.kən] US ['toʊ-] noun countable SYMBOL 标志 ■a thing that you give or an action that you take which expresses your feelings or intentions, although it might have little practical effect 标志;表示;象征•As a token of our gratitude for all that you have done, we would like you to accept this small gift.为了表示我们对你们所做的一切的感谢,希望你们接受我们这份小小的礼物。 •It doesn't have to be a big present - it's just a token.礼物不必大——只是为了表示一下。 UK ['təʊ.kən] US ['toʊ-] noun countable PAPER WORTH MONEY 代金券 UK (US gift certificate) ■a piece of paper with a particular amount of money printed on it which can be exchanged in a shop for goods of that value 礼券,代金券•a £20 book/gift/record token一张价值20英镑的书券/礼券/唱片券 UK ['təʊ.kən] US ['toʊ-] noun countable DISC 圆片 ■a round metal or plastic disc which is used instead of money in some machines (某些机器中用以代替纸币的)代币,专用辅币 UK ['təʊ.kən] US ['toʊ-] adjective [before noun] ■used to describe actions which are done to show that you are doing something, even though the results are limited in their effect 有标志性的;有象征意义的•The troops in front of us either surrendered or offered only token (= not much) resistance.我们前面的军队要么投降,要么只作象征性的抵抗。 •They were the only country to argue for even token recognition of the Baltic states' independence.他们国家是唯一为波罗的海沿岸国家争取哪怕是象征性承认的国家。 ■disapproving ■describes something which is done to prevent other people complaining, although it is not sincerely meant and has no real effect 装点门面的;装样子的•The truth is that they appoint no more than a token number of women to managerial jobs.事实上他们只装装样子,任命了一些女性担任管理工作。 |