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内容推荐 一头引人注目的银白发色与迷人笑容,梅伊马斯克(Maye Musk)除了是美妆品牌代言人、三位成功企业家的母亲,本身更是位专业营养师。这位美丽的女强人究竟是如何只身成就看似不可能的一切?梅伊的同年充满了冒险的色彩,出生于加拿大的她,年仅两岁的梅伊便举家搬迁到南非的普利托利亚(Pretoria),她的儿时回忆,便是每年冬季都会和兄弟姐妹一起搭上小飞机,横跨喀拉哈里沙漠,寻找那失落的城市。 梅伊15岁出道当模特儿走秀,曾经被说这份工作做到18岁就玩完了,但她却持续超过50年。她留起了一头银发,拥抱“变老”的美,依旧活跃于时尚圈,成为励志网红。 然而,梅伊并非一路平顺亮丽——在少不更事的时候,糊里糊涂走进婚姻,因为害怕报复默默承受无情的家暴,31岁成了单亲妈妈;之后在穷困中一度打五份工,勉力维持三个孩子温饱,同时还攻读硕士学位;此外更得设法解决身为大尺码模特儿的体重问题、克服这一行的年龄阻力;并建立起权威营养师的终身事业,奔波于两大洲、三个国家、八个城市。 梅伊诉说着自己坎坷却又无比精彩的人生,告诉读者,尽管我们无法控制人生际遇,但能在任何年纪拥有你想要的人生,只要事先计划,最后就能心想事成。 目录 INTRODUCTION: LIVE DANGEROUSLY--CAREFULLY: Make aplan, and take a chance Part I: Beauty 1 SILVER IS THE NEW BLOND: Life keeps getting better 2 BE FASCINATING: It's betterto be interesting than to be beautiful 3 GREAT MODEL, DRESSES TERRIBLY: You don't have to be stylish;just find a stylish friend 4 I LOVE MAKEUP, AND MAKEUP LOVES ME: Makeupcan change your look and mood 5 CONFIDENCE GAMES: Walk tall and be considerate Part 2: Adventure 6 JACARANDA SEASON: Go your own way 7 EXPLORATION: Plan for the expected, andbe ready for the unexpected 8 WHY NOT?:Sayyesto opportunities 9 A WOMAN HAKES A PLAN: Take charge of your own life, and aim for happiness 10 TURN YOUR LIFE AROOND:Addressyourproblems Part 3: Family 11 WORKING HOTHER:Leadbyewample 12 THE MAGIC OF TWELVE: Ifchildren show interests, encourage them 13 STARTING OVER: Say yes to make your life more interesting 14 CHANGE COUNTRIES, IF NECESSARY: Take a chance; you can always return 15 ACTS OF KINDNESS: Appreciate good deeds Part 4: Success 16 WOHAN AT WORK: The harderyou work, the luckier you get 17 ASK FOR WHAT YOU WANT: Persistence leads to success 18 FEEL FANTASTIC': Don't wallow in disappointments 19 MOVE AHEAD: Starting over could be the best thing you do 20 OUT OF CHARACTER: Push your boundaries 21 INSTA-FAHOUS: You're never too old to learn a new technology 22 ALL THE SINGLE LADLES: You can behappyin love, and you can be happy on your own Part 5: Health 23 EATING WELL MAKES YOU HAPPY: Plan your meals 24 ENJOY YOUR FOOD AGAIN: Thereis no magicpill 25 CHOCOLATES GO HOME WITH THE GUESTS:Keep temptation out of reach 26 KEEP MOVING: Choose activities that you enjoy 27 MiX WITH HAPPY PEOPLE: Healthy relationships are good for you 28 IT'S GREAT TO BE SEVENTY-ONE:Keepsmiling CONCLUSION MAKE YOUR PLAN:Startnow Acknowledgments |