skip [skɪp] verb (-pp-) MOVE 移动 intransitive usually + adverb or preposition ■to move lightly and quickly, making a small jump after each step 跳,跳跃•She watched her little granddaughter skip down the path.她看着自己的小孙女沿着小路蹦蹦跳跳地往前走。 •The lambs were skipping about in the field.这些小羊在田里蹦来跳去。 [skɪp] verb (-pp-) JUMP 跳 intransitive (US jump rope) (skip rope) ■to jump lightly over a rope that is held in both your hands, or by two other people, and swung repeatedly under your legs and over your head as exercise or a game 跳绳•Sports players often train by skipping.运动员经常透过跳绳进行训练。 [skɪp] verb (-pp-) LEAVE 离开 intransitive or transitive ■to leave one thing or place, especially quickly, in order to go to another 匆匆离开;跳过•This part of the book isn't very interesting, so I'm going to skip (over) it.书的这部分不是很有趣,所以我要把它跳过去。 •The teacher kept skipping from one subject to another so it was difficult to follow what he was saying.老师不断地从一个话题跳到另一个话题,所以很难跟上他的讲话思路。 •We're skipping over/across/off (= making a quick journey) to France for the day.为了赶上这一天,我们正匆忙前往法国。 •The police think that the bank robbers must have skipped (= left) the country by now.警方认为银行劫匪现在肯定已经逃离该国了。 •She skipped off/out (= left quickly and/or secretly) without saying goodbye.她没有告别就悄然离开了。 [skɪp] verb (-pp-) AVOID 避免 transitive informal ■to not do or not have something that you usually do or that you should do; to avoid 避免;省略•I'm trying to lose weight, so I'm skipping (= not eating) lunch today.我正在努力减肥,因此今天不吃午饭了。 [skɪp] noun countable CONTAINER 容器 UK (US trademark Dumpster) ■a large metal container into which people put unwanted objects or building or garden waste, and which is brought to and taken away from a place by a special truck when requested 大垃圾桶,废料桶 [skɪp] noun countable MOVE 移动 ■a small light, dancing or jumping step 蹦跳•She gave a little skip of joy.她高兴得跳了起来。 |