accident ['æk.sɪ.dənt] noun countable ESSENTIAL ■something bad which happens that is not expected or intended, and which often damages something or injures someone 意外;不测;事故•Josh had an accident and spilled water all over his work.乔希不小心把作业上洒得都是水。 •She was injured in a car/road accident (= when one car hit another).她在一宗车祸/交通意外中受伤了。 by accident ESSENTIAL ■without intending to, or without being intended 偶然,意外地•I deleted the file by accident.我不小心删掉了那个档案。 •I found her letter by accident as I was looking through my files.我在查看我的文件时,意外地发现了她的信。 ['æk.sɪ.dənt] noun countable Accidents will happen. saying ■said after an accident in order to make it seem less bad (事故发生后说的安慰话)出事是难免的。 ['æk.sɪ.dənt] noun countable an accident waiting to happen ■a very dangerous situation in which an accident is very likely 容易发生事故的情形 ['æk.sɪ.dənt] noun countable have an accident ■to urinate or excrete (= pass solid waste) when you do not intend to (无意识地)便溺;尿(或拉)裤子;尿床•Even a six-year-old can have an accident at night sometimes.即使是六岁大的孩子,晚上有时也可能会尿床。 ['æk.sɪ.dənt] noun countable more by accident than design ■because of luck and not because of skill or organization 与其说是人为还不如说因为幸运;由于机缘而非有意安排•The play was a success more by accident than design.这出剧的成功与其说是演得好,还不如说是运气好。 |