内容推荐 本书运用报告文学的纪实手法,采取实地采访、专家访谈、百性感受等形式,宏观与微观结合,社会与个体结合,从思想观念、城市群扩展、城市人口布局、区域经济版图、旅游经济、装备制造、精神文化、国防建设等多个方面,讲述高铁正在改变中国的故事,阐述中国速度的经济、社会内涵,见证中国道路的制度优势,挖掘中国道路背后的中国价值。全书纯文字20万,图片50幅。2021年6月底完稿。 目录 Contents Introduction: Poetry & Dreamland: The Power of China’s High-Speed Rail Chapter 1 Shortened Distance 1. Train Color and Speed 2. Nostalgia Was a Train Ticket 3. The Development of the HSR Travel Circle 4. Smart Trip—a Better Choice Chapter 2 New Landscape of HSR Economy 1. Starlit “City Clusters” 2. “Economic Belt” and Urban Scenery 3. The Rise of New Cities Catalyzed by HSR Chapter 3 A Beautiful New Life 1. New Ideas, New Visions and New Life 2. Life Based on HSR & Big Data 3. A Happy Tale of Two Cities 4. Impulsive Travel Chapter 4 The Most Beautiful Scenery on the Way 1. The Most Beautiful Scenery Along HSR 2. The New Lifestyle of “HSR + Tourism” 3. Joyful HSR Tourism Chapter 5 The 3D Picture of “Integrated Traffic” 1. The Fission of the Traditional Traffic Pattern 2. Life-or-Death Battle 3. Visions & Practice of Transport System Chapter 6 Bringing “Made in China” to New Heights 1. Top-Grade Tracks, Stations and Trains 6.2 World-Stunning Equipment Manufacturing Capability 6.3 HSR Powering “Made in China” Chapter 7 Connecting China with the World 1. From “Chinese Standards” to “Global Standards” 2. Great Prospects of “HSR Diplomacy” 3. World Transport Needs a “Chinese Plan” Afterword: The Progress of Trains 导语 近几年来,随着一条条高铁的相继开通,作为中国高铁发展的见证者和参与者,作者多次深入到高铁沿线各地采访。本书采取实地调查、专家访谈、百姓感受等形式,叙述严谨,形象生动,图文并茂,语言灵动,讲述高铁改变中国的故事,讲述中国人的智慧与创新,讲述高铁时代中国老百姓的获得感、幸福感,见证中国道路凸显的制度优势,挖掘中国道路背后的中国价值,展示中国道路呈现的中国力量。 |