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单词 tally
释义 tally
['tæl.i] verb intransitive
■to match or agree with something else 符合,吻合
Our figures don't tally - you've made it twenty pounds more than me.我们的资料不相符——你的比我的多20英镑。
Your plans don't tally with mine.你的计划和我的有冲突。
['tæl.i] verb intransitive
  Phrasal Verbs   [M] tally (sth) up slightly old-fashioned informal
■to calculate something 计算
If the game's over I'll tally up.如果比赛结束了的话,我就计算总分。
['tæl.i] noun countable usually singular slightly old-fashioned
■a record or count of a number of things 计数;记录;比分
Will you keep a tally of the number of customers going in and out?你能记录一下进出顾客的人数吗?




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