deaf [def] adjective IMPROVER ■unable to hear, either completely or partly 耳聋的,听不见的,失聪的•He's been totally/partially deaf since birth.他一出生就完全失聪/有些听力障碍。 ■disapproving ■unwilling to listen 不愿听的;充耳不闻的•The local council has remained deaf to all the objections to its proposals.当地议会对反对其提案的各种声音充耳不闻。 [def] adjective (as) deaf as a post informal ■completely deaf 一点儿也听不见,完全失聪•Grandad's as deaf as a post.爷爷一点儿声音也听不见了。 [def] adjective There's none so deaf as those who will not hear. saying ■said about someone who has been given advice which they have chosen to ignore, or who has been told something which they do not want to believe 无心听者耳最聋。 [def] plural noun the deaf IMPROVER ■people who are unable to hear 耳聋者,失聪人士,聋人•Many of the TV programmes are broadcast with subtitles for the deaf.很多电视节目播出时,都打上给失聪人士看的字幕。 |