volume UK ['vɒl.ju:m] US ['vɑ:l-] noun AMOUNT 数量 IMPROVER countable or uncountable ■the amount of space that is contained within an object or solid shape 容积;体积;容量•Which of these bottles do you think has the greater volume?你认为这些瓶子中哪个容积最大? ADVANCED uncountable ■the number or amount of something in general 总数;总量;总额•It's the sheer volume of traffic in the city that is causing the problems.造成这些问题的就是城里的交通流量。 UK ['vɒl.ju:m] US ['vɑ:l-] noun SOUND LEVEL 声音高低 ADVANCED uncountable ■the level of sound produced by a television, radio, etc., or the switch or other device controlling this 音量;音量调节钮•Could you turn the volume down, please, I'm trying to sleep.你能把音量调低些吗?我要睡觉。 •I'll turn it up if you tell me which is the volume (= switch).如果你告诉我哪个是音量钮的话我会把声音开大些。 UK ['vɒl.ju:m] US ['vɑ:l-] noun BOOK 书籍 ADVANCED countable ■one in a set of related books 卷;册•Now 'Realms Of Strife', his second volume of memoirs, is available too.现在他的回忆录第二卷《斗争的范围》也面世了。 countable formal ■a book 书•While still an undergraduate, his first slim volume 'Fighting Terms' enjoyed a considerable success.他还未毕业时的第一本小诗集《好战的条件》获得了一定的成功。 |