become [bɪ'kʌm] (became, become) verb BE 成为 ESSENTIAL [L] ■to start to be 变成,成为,变得•I was becoming increasingly suspicious of his motives.我越来越怀疑他的动机。 •It was becoming cold, so we lit the fire.天气越来越冷了,所以我们燃起了火。 •After giving up smoking, he became fat and irritable.戒烟后,他发福了,而且很爱发火。 •Margaret Thatcher became Britain's first woman prime minister in 1979.玛格丽特‧戴卓尔在1979年成为英国第一位女首相。 •He has just become a father.他刚刚当上爸爸。 [bɪ'kʌm] (became, become) verb SUIT 适合 transitive old-fashioned ■to cause to look attractive or to be suitable for 使好看;适合,适于•That colour really becomes you.那种颜色很适合你。 [bɪ'kʌm] (became, become) verb Phrasal Verbs [not continuous] become of sb/sth ■If you ask what became of someone or something, you want to know where they are and what happened to them (人或事物的)情况(如何),结果(怎样)•Whatever became of that parcel you sent?你寄出的包裹怎么样了? •And Mickey Adams - I wonder what became of him.还有米基‧亚当斯——不知他当时怎么样? |