realization (UK usually realisation) UK [ˌrɪə.laɪ'zeɪ.ʃən] US [ˌri:.ə-] noun BECOMING AWARE 意识 countable usually singular ■when you start to understand a situation, especially suddenly 明白;认识到;意识到•[+ that] The realization was dawning that this was a major disaster.人们开始意识到这是一场大灾难。 (UK usually realisation) UK [ˌrɪə.laɪ'zeɪ.ʃən] US [ˌri:.ə-] noun ACHIEVEMENT 夙愿 uncountable ■when you achieve something you planned to do or hoped for 实现夙愿•To win the Olympic gold medal was the realization of his life's dream.赢得奥运会金牌就实现了他平生的夙愿。 (UK usually realisation) UK [ˌrɪə.laɪ'zeɪ.ʃən] US [ˌri:.ə-] noun MONEY 钱 uncountable legal ■when you get money by selling something 变卖资产;变现•Even the realization of all his assets would not be enough to prevent financial ruin.即使变卖他所有的资产也无法使他免于破产。 |