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书名 | 道德情操论(英文版)(精)/世界学术经典 |
分类 | 人文社科-哲学宗教-伦理学 |
作者 | (英)亚当·斯密 |
出版社 | 上海译文出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 《道德情操论》不只是一本伦理学著作,是集心理学、社会学、伦理学和哲学等于一体的巨著,不仅对人类丰富多彩的情感世界作了详尽阐释,而且对人生的诸多命题也有深刻诠释。 亚当·斯密以“同情(Sympathy,即同理心)”为主线,对正义、仁慈、良心、责任、克己、功过、效用、善恶、美丑、德性、社会福祉和人性等进行了系统而辩证的剖析,完整地构架了他的道德伦理体系。 本书文辞典雅而思想深邃,自1759年出版以来好评如潮,对欧洲社会影响深远,堪称西方世界的“论语”,是市场经济良性运行的“圣经”。 作者简介 亚当·斯密(1723-1790),英国苏格兰哲学家和经济学家。斯密是英国古典经济学体系的创立者、举世公认的现代经济学之父,同时他也是苏格兰启蒙运动的重要人物之一。他奉献了两部传世经典:《道德情操论》和《国富论》(又名《国民财富的性质和原因的研究》)。他一生大部分心血都倾注在《道德情操论》的修订上,从1759年首版到去世,他对《道德情操论》先后进行了6次修订,正是在修改过程中完成了《国富论》,甚至《国富论》首页上还强调“《道德情操论》的作者”。 目录 导读 Part Ⅰ of the Propriety of Action Section Ⅰ of the Sense of Propriety Chap.Ⅰ of Sympathy Chap.Ⅱ of the Pleasure of mutual Sympathy Chap.Ⅲ of the manner in which we judge of the propriety or impropriety of the affections of other men by their concord or dissonance with our own Chap.Ⅳ The same subject continued Chap.Ⅴ of the amiable and respectable virtues Section Ⅱ of the Degrees of the different Passions which are consistent with Propriety Introduction Chap.Ⅰ of the Passions which take their origin from thebody Chap.Ⅱ of those Passions which take their origin from a particular turn or habit of the Imagination Chap.Ⅲ of the unsocial Passions Chap.Ⅳ of the social Passions Chap.Ⅴ of the selfish Passions Section Ⅲ of the Effects of Prosperity and Adversity upon the Judgment of Mankind with regard to the Propriety of Action;and why it is more easy to obtain their Approbation in the one state than in the other Chap.Ⅰ That though our sympathy with sorrow is generally a more lively sensation than our sympathy with ioy,it commonly falIs much more short of the violence of what is naturally felt by the person principally concerned Chap.Ⅱ of the origin of Ambition,and of the distinction of Ranks Chap.Ⅲ of the corruption of our moral sentiments which is occasioned by this disposition to admire the rich and the great,and to despise or neglect persons of poor and mean condition …… Part Ⅱ Part Ⅲ Part Ⅳ Part Ⅴ Part Ⅵ Part Ⅶ 属于汇编与简释 |
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