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书名 788个单词轻松征服SAT/ACT
分类 教育考试-外语学习-英语
作者 陈春辉,王廷懋,朱文婷
出版社 中国人民大学出版社






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4.通过该书附录1的Final Review可以检测自己是否掌握了所有788个单词。




王廷懋,资深语言培训教师,拥有多年教学经验,BMC国际教育集团创始人,沃顿商学院校友,亚布力中国企业家论坛成员,阿拉善SEE生态协会成员。现任宾夕法尼亚大学东亚区面试官,并在沃顿捐献成立Steven Wang本科奖学金,首届宾大沃顿中美峰会联合创始人。自2014年创办BMC教育品牌,践行“让中国下一代的国际教育不走弯路”的使命,力求以先进的教育方式带给学生面向未来的教育。



nostalgic [n?'st?ld??k] 总频率:8

adj. 怀旧的;乡愁的

having or bringing a sad feeling mixed with pleasure when you think of happy times in the past

例 句 He is attending the ceremony chiefly because he is nostalgic about the venue.

关 联 nostalgia [n?'st?ld??] n. 乡愁;怀旧之情 频率:3

feasible ['fi?z?bl] 总频率:8

adj. 可行的,可能的

that is possible and likely to be achieved

例 句 Of course, it might not always be possible to collect all the data, but it is getting much more feasible to capture vastly more of a phenomenon than simply a sample and to aim for all of it.

关 联 feasibility [?fi?z?'b?l?t?] n. 可行性;可能性 频率:2

defendant [d?'fend?nt] 总频率:8

n. 被告人;被告

the person in a trial who is accused of committing a crime, or who is being sued by another person

例 句 At the start of the experiment, the subjects were randomly assigned to their roles as plaintiff and defendant.

emancipate [?'m?ns?pe?t] 总频率:8

v. 解放,解除束缚

to free sb., especially from legal, political or social controls that limit what they can do

例 句 When we emancipated the slaves, did we mean they should be banished―is that it?

关 联 emancipator [?'m?ns??pe?t?] n. 释放者;解放者 频率:3

emancipation [??m?ns?'pe??n] n. 解放;释放 频率:2

stake [ste?k] 总频率:8

n. 重大利益,重大利害关系

an important part or share in a business, plan, etc. that is important to you and that you want to be successful

例 句 If this is true, Mars’s reputation as a once-habitable planet that may still harbor microscopic life is at stake.

proximity [pr??k's?m?t?] 总频率:8

n. 接近,临近

the state of being near sb./sth. in distance or time

例 句 One reason that’s the case is that cities grow “superlinearly”: interpersonal connections grow at a greater rate than sheer population, and with that super proximity comes a super exchange of ideas.





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