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书名 岩土与地下工程专业英语
分类 科学技术-建筑-建筑理论与文化
出版社 清华大学出版社
1 专业英语基础(Fundamentals of Specialized English)
1.1 专业英语特点(Features of Specialized English)
1.1.1 语言特点(Language features)
1.1.2 语法特点(Grammatical features)
1.1.3 词汇特点(Lexical features)
1.1.4 结构特点(Structural features)
1.1.5 专业词汇(Professional vocabulary)
1.2 专业英语应用(Application of Specialized English)
1.2.1 专业文献检索(Professional literature retrieval)
1.2.2 专业英语翻译(Specialized English translation)
1.2.3 撰写科技论文(Scientific &eechnological papers)
2 基坑工程(Foundation Pit Engineering)
2.1 地质勘査(Site Investigation)
2.1.1 地质勘查阶段(Geological exploration stage)
2.1.2 场地调查报告(Site investigation reports)
2.2 基础开挖(Excavation for Foundation)
2.2.1 地基开挖前场地清理(Site clearance before excavation for foundation)
2.2.2 布置开挖地基布局(Setting out foundation layout for excavation)
2.2.3 地基开挖程序(Excavation procedure for foundation)
2.2.4 用于松软土壤中开挖的露天铺板(Open planking for excavations in soft and loose soils)
2.2.5 开挖区排水作业(Dewatering of excavation)
2.2.6 降低开挖底部以下的水位(Reducing water level below the excavation bottom)
2.2.7 浅地基排水作业(Dewatering for shallow foundations)
2.2.8 大型挖掘和深地基的排水作业(Dewatering for large excavations and deep foundations)
2.2.9 地基混凝土施工(图2.7)(Concreting of foundation in excavation, Figure 2.7)
2.3 专业词汇(Specialized Vocabulary)
3 地基工程(Foundation Engineering)
3.1 浅地基(Shallow Foundation)
3.1.1 引言(Introduction)
3.1.2 地基类型的选择步骤(Steps for the selection of the type of foundation)
3.1.3 浅地基(Shallow foundations)
3.2 深基础:桩基础(Deep Foundation:Pile Foundation)
3.2.1 引言(Introduction)
3.2.2 桩的分类(Classification of piles)
3.3 地基改善(Ground Improvement)
3.3.1 介绍(Introduction)
3.3.2 总沉降和差异沉降(Total and differential settlement)
3.4 专业词汇(Specialized Vocabulary)
4 隧道工程(Tunnel Engineering)
4.1 隧道结构(Tunnel Structure)
4.1.1 洞身衬砌(Tunnel lining)
4.1.2 支护结构(Supporting structure)
4.1.3 洞门(Tunnel gate)
4.1.4 竖井与斜井(Shaft and inclined shaft)
4.2 隧道围岩分类和围岩压力(Tunnel Surrounding Rock Classification and Surrounding Rock Pressure)
4.2.1 围岩分类(Surrounding rock classification)
4.2.2 围岩压力的产生(The generation of surrounding rock pressure)
4.2.3 围岩的初始地应力场(The initial stress field of surrounding rock)
4.2.4 隧道开挖后的应力状态(Stress state after tunnel excavation)
4.2.5 围岩压力的确定方法(Determination method of surrounding rock pressure)
4.3 隧道施工(Tunnel Construction)
4.3.1 钻爆隧道施工(Drilling-blasting method)
4.3.2 隧道掘进机(Tunnel boring machine)
4.3.3 沉管法(Immersed tube method)
4.4 专业词汇(Specialized Vocabulary)
5 凿井与掘巷工程(Sinking and Driving Engineering)
5.1 立井与施工巷道(Vertical Shaft and Construction Roadway)
5.1.1 立井开挖法(Shaft mining)
5.1.2 矿井组成部分(Parts of a mine shaft)
5.1.3 井筒衬砌(Shaft lining)
5.1.4 立井隔室(Shaft compartments)
5.2 斜井与施工巷道(Inclined Shaft and Construction Roadway)
5.2.1 优缺点(Merits and demerits)
5.2.2 斜井尺寸和形状(Size and shape inclined of shaft)
5.2.3 分类(Classification)
5.2.4 斜井施工工具(Inclined shaft construction tool)
5.3 巷道的安全和通风(Safety and Ventilation of Roadway)
5.3.1 安全和通风(Safety and ventilation)
5.3.2 奎切克矿山救援(Quecreek mine rescue)
5.4 专业词汇(Specialized Vocabulary)
6 边坡工程(Slope Engineering)
6.1 自然边坡(Natural Slopes)
6.2 人工边坡(Man-mad




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