内容推荐 本书根据教学大纲学时安排,从高职高专学生的实际情况出发,编写了15个单元,每单元由两篇独立且内容相关联的课文组成,内容涵盖汽车发动机、汽车底盘、汽车车身、汽车电气设备、汽车电控系统、汽车维修保养、汽车安全认证等方面的内容,每个单元包括课文、词汇、课文注释,词汇部分在注解中加入了详细的解释和例句,便于学生更便捷地记忆专业词汇,并且加入了帮助学生更好地学习科技英语的知识扩展部分。希望通过规定学时的专业英语教学,帮助学生较系统地学习汽车专业知识,熟练掌握汽车专业英语词汇,能够阅读和翻译一般的汽车英语使用说明书和有关技术资料,获得专业技术信息及进行专业技术交流。本书可以作为高职高专院校汽车类专业的专业英语教材或汽车构造双语教学的辅助教材,亦可供有一定英语基础的汽车销售、维修和管理人员自学参考。 目录 UNIT 1 Automotive Basics TEXT A Automotive Basics TEXT B The Principles and Terms of Engine 扩展知识 UNIT2 Clutches and Transmissions TEXT A Clutches TEXT B Torque Converter 扩展知识 UNIT 3 The Final Drive and the Differential TEXT A Drive Line TEXT B The Main Gears and the Differential of the Final Drive 扩展知识 UNIT 4 Automatic Transmission TEXT A Automatic Transmission (AT) TEXT B Continuously Variable Transmissions (CVT) 扩展知识 UNIT 5 The Suspension System TEXT A The Suspension System TEXT B Types of the Spring 扩展知识 UNIT 6 Steering System TEXT A Automobile Steering System TEXT B Power Steering and Service Procedures 扩展知识 UNIT 7 Braking System and ABS TEXT A Braking Equipment Understanding TEXT B Anti-lock Brake System 扩展知识 UNIT 8 NCAP TEXT A Introduction to NCAP TEXT B SRS Airbag Understanding 扩展知识 UNIT 9 The Ignition System TEXT A Three Types of Ignition System TEXT B Direct Ignition Systems and Electronic Triggering Devices., 扩展知识 UNIT 10 Fuel Injection System TEXT A Fuel Injection Systems of the Gasoline Engine TEXT B Introduction to EFI 扩展知识 UNIT 11 The Cooling System TEXT A The Cooling System TEXT B Air Conditioning System 扩展知识 UNIT 12 The Lubrication System TEXT A The Lubrication System TEXT B Replacing the Oil and the Oil Filter 扩展知识 UNIT 13 Electronic Control System TEXT A Electronic Control System TEXT B Computers on Modern Vehicles 扩展知识 UNIT 14 Engine Charging System TEXT A Charging System TEXT B Starting System 扩展知识 UNIT 15 Automotive Careers TEXT A Automotive Careers TEXT B Engine Noise Diagnosis 扩展知识 参考文献 |