内容推荐 本书是基于核心问题的中学学科课程开发与实施系列的英语部分。新课改背景下英语学科的核心素养包括知识能力、学习能力、文化意识、思维品质。本书涉及三种课型,即基于教材的新授课、整合教材的复习课和教材之外的拓展课,旨在通过核心问题教学提升学生的英语学科核心素养。本书适合一线英语教学教师使用。 目录 新授课 新授课之听说篇 1.Traffic Jam 2.My Teachers 3.Body Language and Nonverbal Communication 4.Great Scientists 5.Traffic Jam—Listening&Speaking 6.Films and TV Programmes 新授课之阅读篇 7.The Kingdom of the Snow Leopard 8.A Life in Sport 9.A Christmas Carol 10.Poems 11.How Good Are Your Social Skills 12.Caves of Zhoukoudian&Beijing Man Heritage Site 13.The Lion,the Witch and the Wardrobe 14.Traffic Jam—Reading&Speaking 15.Highlights of My Senior Year 新授课之写作篇 16.Music Born in America 17.How to Write an Application Letter 18.The Magic of the Mask 19.How to Write an Argumentative Essay 20.Music 21.Films and TV Programmes 新授课之文化篇 22.Town Twinning 新授课之语法篇 25.The Past Perfect Tense 复习课 24.高考短文改错题解题策略 25.语法填空题解题策略 26.高考英语短文改错教学设计 27.高考长难句突破 28.从三诊试卷讲评看高考英语题型解答 29.高三语法填空专题复习教学设计 拓展课 30.A surVey of Mobile Phones’Influence on the Growth of Teenagers 31.How to Deal with Emergencies When Traveling Abroad 32.Waste Sorting——the Future of the Earth 33.Theatrical Performance—The Lion King 参考文献 |