内容推荐 《中学教材全解》配套解读各出版社出版的英语教科书,逐词逐句翻译教材原文,全解全析教材内容要点;单元首展示生词短语和常考句型,单元末归纳基础知识、语法、阅读技巧与话题写作,并配以能力提升训练题。此外,本书还配有大量的互联网资源,包括英语听力、英语跟读、词汇过关、名师微课等,使学习更加有趣、高效。它是教师备课的参考,家长辅导的工具,学生学习的帮手。本书不仅教会学生知识,更重要的是教会学生学习方法。通过使用本书,学生可以把平时的点滴学习同中考紧密联系起来,让学生从七年级起就了解中考真题,学会解答中考真题的方法。 本册为《九年级英语(上RJ)》。 目录 UNIT 1 How can we become good learners? Section A 考点微课:patient secret although的用法 Seccion B 考点微课:ability interesting与interested 单元大归纳 UNIT 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious Section A 考点微课:hope与wish Section B 考点微课:punish warn between与among 单元大归纳 UNIT 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are Section A 考点微课:until suggest Section B 考点微课:convenient spend,cost,take与pay 单元大归纳 UNIT 4 I used to be afraid of the dark Section A 考点微课:too many,too much与much too a number of与thenumberof Section B 考点微课:influence absent 单元大归纳 UNIT 5 What are the shirts made of Section A 考点微课:avoid on,at与in traffic Section B 考点微课:rise与raise 单元大归纳 UNIT 6 When was it invented Section A 考点微课:smell one of的用法 Section B 考点微课:divide achieve与come true 单元大归纳 UNIT 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes Section A 考点微课:否定前移 stop doing sth,与stop to do sth.用法辨析 regreg manage Section B 考点微课:choice 单元大归纳 UNIT 8 It must belong to Carla Section A 考点微课:attend,join与take part in Section B 考点微课:information,news与message purpose prevent 单元大归纳 附 全书大归纳 附 参考答案 |