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书名 | 成人二语习得中的僵化现象(升级版)/当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库 |
分类 | 人文社科-社会科学-语言文字 |
作者 | 韩照红 |
出版社 | 外语教学与研究出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 作者审视了过去几十年来有关成人二语习得中僵化现象研究的历史,论述了僵化研究的基本理论问题,搜集和评价了大量的实证研究成果,提出了实证研究的恰当方法,认为应该从宏观和微观两个方面来研究僵化,并提出“僵化是多种因素协同作用的结果”。此外,书中指出要对僵化及一些有关概念有正确的理解;对僵化的研究也应该是跨学科的,以便综合利用语言学、心理语言学、神经语言学和社会语言学的理论和成果。本书是研究人员、教师、学生考察僵化现象的一本必备参考书。 目录 Preface 1 Introduction Fossilization and Ultimate Attainment General failure Differential success/failure A Conceptual Framework An Outline of the Book 2 What Is Fossilization? Selinker's Definitions Others' View Dictionary Definitions An Alternative Definition Key Issues Is fossilization global or local? Is fossilization a product or a process? Summary 3 Behavioral Reflexes and Causal Variables An Overview Sample Explanations Absence of corrective feedback Quality of input Lack of access to universal grammar Failure of parameter resetting Learning inhibiting learning Automatization of faulty knowledge Lack of understanding Processing constraints Lack of sensitivity to input Change in emotional state Natural inclination to focus on content, not on form Avoidance Satisfaction of communicative needs Lack of acculturation Will to maintain identity Two Primary Determinants of Lack of Ability Summary 4 A Macroscopic Analysis: Critical Period Effects The Critical Period Hypothesis CPH in FLA and SLA The Modular Nature of CP Critical Period Effects on Language Learning Summary 5 A Macroscopic Analysis: Native Language Transfer Transfer-inspired Delay in L2 Learning 'Transfer to Somewhere' and 'Transfer to Nowhere' Transfer of 'Thinking for Speaking' Preprogramming The Schwartz and Sprouse (1996) study The Sorace (1993) study Summary 6 A Microscopic Analysis: Some Empirical Evidence Some Empirical Studies The longitudinal approach The typical-error approach The advanced-learner approach The corrective-feedback approach The length-of-residence approach Critique of the Methodologies Two recent longitudinal studies Is stabilization synonymous with fossilization? Should a longitudinal study last five years or longer? The Modular Nature of Fossilization Linguistic Features Prone to Fossilization The Multiple Effects Principle Summary 7 Second Language Instruction and Fossilization To What Extent Does Instruction Aid Acquisition? Explicit or implicit instruction? Is grammar instruction necessary? The zone of capability To What Extent Does Instruction Promote Fossilization? Classroom input Pedagogic strategies Opportunity for use of languageSummary 8 Summary and Conclusion A Synopsis Implications for Research and Practice General Directions for Future Research References Index |
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