《量子群--流代数的路径 (英文)/国外 数学著作 原版系列》主要介绍了量子 群的相关理论,以作者在纽 约大学的讲座为基础撰写而 成。
本书适合从事相关研究 工作的人员参考阅读。
1 Revision of basic structures
2 Duality between geometry and algebra
3 The quantum general linear group
4 Modules and tensor products
5 Cauchy modules
6 Algebras
7 Coalgebras and bialgebras
8 Dual coalgebras of algebras
9 Hopf algebras
10 Representations of quantum groups
11 Tensor categories
12 Internal homs and duals
13 Tensor functors and Yang-Baxter operators
14 A tortile Yang-Baxter operator for each finite—dimensional vector space
15 Monoids in tensor categories
16 Tannaka duality
17 Adjoining an antipode to a bialgebra
18 The quantum general linear group again
19 Solutions to Exercises