Chapter 1 Emperor Jing and His Mausoleum
Emperor Jing and his reign
Han Yangling Mausoleum Site Museum
History and layout of the mausoleum
Chapter 2 Western Han Dynasty
Han Dynasty
The founding of the Western Han Dynasty
The consolidation of the Western Han Dynasty
Western Han Emperors
Chapter 3 Underground Museum
Design and construction of the Han Emperor's
burial site
Why an underground museum?
Design concept of the museum
Descriptions of the 10 burial pits
Descriptions of the Central Exhibition Hall of Relics
Chapter 4 Han Yangling Archaeological Exhibition Hall
Architectural items unearthed from the Mausoleum
Items unearthed from the 11 pits around
the emperor's burial mound
Items unearthed from the southern burial pits
Items unearthed from the satellite tombs
Art of the pottery figures
Chapter 5 South Gate Tower
Chapter 6 The Hall for Memorial Sacrifices
Han Yangling chronicle of events
Yangling's archeological history