内容推荐 本丛书旨在推广“岭南三秀”——粤剧、岭南画派和广东音乐。以中英双语对照的形式,打造向青年普及岭南传统文化的文艺通识读本。“岭南三秀”本身即代表了地域文化精神,亦有独特艺术魅力,不仅体现了大湾区文化软实力和人文精神内涵,更颇具“走出去”的开放气质,为外国友人领略岭南文化提供了发现之窗。 《戏剧情》旨在普及很好的岭南传统文化——粤剧。粤剧被誉为“南国红豆”,在全国戏剧艺术中占有突出地位,影响遍及全世界。作为“岭南文化三瑰宝”之一的粤剧,不仅是广东一张生动鲜活的文化名片,也是联结粤港澳大湾区三地民众文化情感的纽带。本书通过对粤剧的发展历程、名伶及代表作、粤剧与广府文化的关系,以及粤剧在港澳台和海外的传播等几个方面,让读者对粤剧有多方面的认识,使这种很好的传统文化得以传承并发扬光大。 作者简介 广东省文学艺术界联合会、广东省文艺研究所 广东省文学艺术界联合会简称广东省文联,成立于1950年9月,是广东省委领导的,由全省性的文艺家协会、地级市以上文学艺术界联合会和全省性的产业文联组成的文学艺术界专业人民团体,是党和政府联系文艺家的桥梁和纽带,是繁荣社会主义文艺、发展优选文化的重要力量。 目录 《戏剧情》 Preface 引言/001 Cantonese Folk Songs —Birth and Growth of Cantonese Opera / 005 粤俗好歌 ——粤剧的萌芽发展/005 Root: Entertaining Songs / 006 源头:以歌为乐/007 Prototype: Singing Style / 014 雏形:唱腔初定/015 Travelling Opera: Red Boat Troupe / 018 漂泊:红船班子弟/019 Uprising: Li Wenmao Proclaiming Himself King / 024 起义:文茂称王/025 Self-Help: Establishment of the Opera Guild / 028 自救:成立会馆/029 Rise: Renaissance of Cantonese Opera / 034 崛起:粤剧中兴/035 Gods of Opera: Unique Tradition in the Theatrical Circle / 038 戏神:独特戏神/039 Pioneers and Prosperity —Flowering of Cantonese Opera / 043 济济一堂 ——粤剧的鼎盛时期/043 Change: Lofty Aspirations and Innovation / 044 求变:志士革新/045 Prosperity: Grand Troupe of Guangdong and Hong Kong / 050 兴盛:省港大班/051 Big Hit: Opera Performers and Film Stars / 054 触电:亦伶亦星/055 Twin Dancers: Men and Women Sharing the Stage / 056 共舞:男女同台/057 Glory: Xue—Ma Confront / 058 辉煌:薛马争雄/059 Heritage and Innovation —Trend of Contemporary Cantonese Opera / 063 传承扶掖 ——粤剧的现代走向/063 New Role: Fighting against Japanese Invaders / 064 辗转:热血抗日/065 Rebirth: Colorful New Life / 066 新颜:焕发光彩/067 Setbacks: Flowering over There / 068 受挫:彼岸花开/069 Revival: The New Craze / 070 复苏:重现热潮/071 Guarding: Joint Efforts / 074 守护:群策群力/075 Innovation: Avant-Gardes / 078 创新:敢为人先/079 Open Cantonese Opera —Artistic Features of Cantonese Opera / 083 博采众长 ——粤剧的艺术特色/083 Singing Style: Bangzi plus Erhuang Incorporating Diverse Singing Styles / 084 唱腔:梆黄并蓄 腔派丰富/085 Music: Integration of the East and the West / 090 音乐:中西合璧 水乳交融/091 Roles: Ten Roles with Six Pillar Performers / 096 行当:十大行当 六个台柱/097 Wu Play: Real Martial Arts with Real Swords and Spears / 102 武戏:南派功夫 真刀真枪/103 Repertoire: Inclusiveness with Masters / 112 剧目:包罗万象 名家辈出/113 Stagecraft: Ingenuity and Magnificence / 120 舞美:机关出尽 争奇斗艳/121 Dazzling Performers —A List of the Cantonese Opera Celebrities/ 125 名伶闪耀 ——粤剧群芳谱\t/125 Qianli Ju: Master of Tragedy / 126 千里驹:悲剧圣手/127 Liang Yuanheng: Jack-of-All-Trades Xiao Wu Sheng / 128 靓元亨:全才小武/129 Xue Juexian: Master of Cantonese Opera / 130 薛觉先:万能泰斗/131 Ma Shizeng: The Grand Master / 134 马师曾:一代宗师/135 Baiju Rong: King of Xiao Sheng / 138 白驹荣:小生王/139 Liao Xiahuai: Multiple-Faced Comedian / 140 廖侠怀:千面笑匠/141 Gui Mingyang: Gold-Medal Xiao Wu Sheng / 142 桂名扬:金牌小武/143 Hung Sin-nui: Southern Beauty on the Stage / 144 红线女:歌倾南国/145 Masters: Performers of Excellence / 148 名家:各领风骚/149 Successors: Transmitters of Tradition / 152 接力:薪火相传/153 Heritage to Go on —Cantonese Opera and Cantonese Culture / 157 一脉相承 ——粤剧与广府文化/157 Infiltration: Cantonese Opera and Pottery Sculpture / 158 渗透:粤剧与陶塑/159 Traces: Cantonese Opera and Hong Kong Films / 162 寻迹:粤剧与港片/163 Openness: Cantonese Opera and Cantonese / 166 汲取:粤剧与粤语/167 Glory in the Neighborhood —Legacy of Cantonese Opera in Hong Kong and Macao / 171 一衣带水 ——粤剧在港澳地区的传承/171 Hong Kong: One Blood, One Soul / 172 香港:血脉相连/173 Macao: Entertainments of Gods and Men / 176 澳门:娱神娱人/177 Guardian: Protection and Heritage / 180 守护:保育传承/181 Why Nostalgia? —The Spread of Cantonese Opera Overseas / 185 何解乡愁 ——粤剧在海外的传播/185 Southeast Asia: The Second Hometown / 186 南洋:第二故乡/187 American Continent: Rise and Fall / 190 美洲:几度兴衰/191 Bridge: Cultural Communication / 192 桥梁:文化互融/193 Afterword 后记/197 |