内容推荐 藏族人口占了西藏自治区的93%,约52%的藏族人生活在西藏,其余的人民生活在四川、云南、甘肃和青海省。6年的频繁访问和对青海和云南藏族社区的参与使得作者对这些可爱的人民有了一定的了解。这本书里描述的作者的两个藏族女儿,都来自普通的家庭。这本书展现她们真实的生活和想法,发现生活在云南和青海藏族人的生活和文化、严酷的自然环境、社会、学校和工作以及梦想和挑战。 作者简介 Lisa Carducci,Born in Canada,Lisa Carducci Has Been Cumulatively a Student for 21 years,A Language Teacher for 30 years,A Journalist for 20,But a Writer for Her All Life.She Majored in Linguistics and Pedagogy at the University of Montreal. 目录 Part I: MyTibetan daughter How it started My 2006 trip and the changes I observed in 2010 Home, sweet home! Surprising news The new house Chini Village and the villagers My clever daughter Education in Chini How they work Are you hungry? Losar The local monastery From the second day Religion A wedding Departure Doctor or accountant Part II: Qinghai children are my children Why Qinghai? Five years later, a voice On my way back Repkong in winter Joining efforts to go further Responsibility means openness Not always as we wish No more school building Still much to do A parallel school system What should the school language be? A closer contact Another Losar Chu san, the third day of the year Conclusion Appendix:About Cordyceps Sinensis |