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书名 每天读一点暖心英文—敢爱!(套装共五册)(青春,这些都,我的世界,时光走了,让我留在)
分类 文学艺术-文学-外国文学
作者 暖小昕
出版社 北京联合出版公司








爱无处不在 How to Find True Love

友谊赞歌 A Story about Friendship

错过的舞会Missing the Dance

我的姐妹金纳My Sister Gina


追求梦想永不晚Never too Old to Live Your Dream

曾经的一个朋友About a Past Friend

冰淇淋女孩The Ice Cream Girl

朋友该做的事That' s What Friends Do

圣诞节的礼物Christmas Gifts

吉莱斯皮先生的天使An Angle to Mr. Gillespie

未邀请的客人An Uninvited Visitor

真的梦想,没有屏障Save Money for College by My Own

学会与室友相处Learning How to Be Roommates

安静的女孩A Quiet Girl

博比的礼物Bobby's Gift

熟悉的陌生人Familiar Strangers

有力的两个字All It Took Was Two Words

一架红木钢琴The Red Mahogany Piano

杰里米的空蛋壳Jeremy’s Empty Egg

一只矶鹞会带给你的快乐A Sandpiper to Bring You Joy

傻瓜下台Zap the Sap

罗比的钢琴课Robby' s Piano Lessons

追梦少年A Boy with a Mission


你一辈子的妈妈ThoseChildhood Days

爸爸忘记了Father Forgets

爱在无语时 Words from a Father

瞧这父子俩The Father and the Son

父爱无声Silent Father-love

来自亲情的吻A BoxFull of Kisses

瞬间的崩塌The Doll anda White Rose

长大成人 When Allie Left Home

妈妈的小甜饼Cookies, Forgottenand Forgiven

母爱Mother’s Love

给女儿的信Father’s Day Sentimentality

谁是你的天使Who Will Be Your Angel

爱的奇迹Love Lives Forever

好运斑马裙Well Dressed

慈父A Good Heart to Lean on

父亲之间的默契The Circus

爱之花悄然绽放Love in Bloom

父亲、儿子和我My Father,MySon,Myself

亲爱的母亲Dear Mom

生日的承诺The Birthday Promise

珍贵的礼物The Gift

母亲教会了我Things My Mother Taught Me

给母亲的一份惊喜 A Surprise to Mother


逝去的爱First Love

最后一封信The Last Relationship

怀旧的爱My One and Only

我的好妹妹The Importance of Conscience

男人来自火星,女人来自金星Whispering Love

爱因艰难而美好Love is Difficult

用虔诚的爱来迎接今天I Will Greet This Day with Love in My Heart

友谊之树常青How to Heal a Friendship

丢掉爱的记分卡The Scorecard

淘气的天使Why I Teach

承载着爱与思念的手表Mother' s Watch


田间之旅Field Trip

妈妈,我爱你Tell Mommy I Love Her

鸽子的奇迹Abigail’s Dove

我最思念的人My Most Unforgettable Charater

爷爷的藏宝图A Giant Mystery

面团“项链”The Necklace

双重悲伤Double Sadness

递给母亲的甜蜜抚慰Squeeze My Hand and I’ll Tell You that I Love You

命中注定的搭档An Unlikely Hero

非同一般的友谊Friends for Life

让我做你的声音A Silent Love


半生的误会Salty Coffee

你的手机还开着吗Late at Night

生日夏威夷Life's Little Wonders

至 爱Moments of Love

高尔夫罗曼史Golf Course Romance

你愿意和我约会吗?Will You Go out with Me

点滴使爱延续The Best Kind of Love

执子之手与子偕老A Gentle Caress

恋爱中的诗人Unbosoming Myself

红苹果奇缘Hungry for Your Love

康复医院里的婚礼Where Love Lands

爱的救生绳Home Making

滑向永远的爱情Roller Romance

走在阳光里Keep Walking in Sunshine

38 年的美丽早餐Just Two for Breakfast

迟来的婚礼Letter in the Wallet

蹉跎的爱Waiting for Love

深爱无言The Silent Love

圣诞节女友Story of Regret

月台的等待Detour To Romance

完美爱人In Life, We are Happiest When...

纸上的爱情Caught by Her Smile

爱是陪伴If Only I had Known…

爱走过风雨Enduring Love

你还记得吗Yellow Post-It's by Ishita Vora

不合身的婚纱带来的称心爱人The Blessed Dress


一只狗的遗嘱The Last Will and Testament of an Extremely Distinguished Dog

忠实的朋友A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed

一只狗狗的告白A Dog’s Last Will

预知未来的狗Jim the Wonder Dog


老农夫的卡车That Old Black Dog




温暖的眼神Killer Angels

最后一只迷羊The Story of a Yellow Dog—Wully

飞跃“小埃及”Flight over Little Egypt


我的朋友麦克A Friend of MineMike

最爱红蝴蝶结The Puppy with a Red Bow


金色的眼睛In Her Golden Eyes

杰克的爱心Jake and Cat

美丽心灵The Integrity of “Ugly”

两个寻求慰藉的灵魂Two Lost Souls



我的姐妹金纳 My Sister Gina






The summer I turned fourteen we were, my mother and I, living in Corpus Christi, Texas. We rented this little apartment on North Beach in June 1981. Just a few days after we moved in, I met this girl named Gina who lived with some people in a house behind us. I say “people”, because they were into some stuff I had very little knowledge of, in my innocence. They occasionally had a Jamaican guest who would come in, stay a few days, then leave. I realized some years later the significance of the Jamaican visitor. I didn’t know much about these people Gina lived with, and didn’t get to know them too well. There were always a lot of adults that hung around, but they usually were in the front part of the house where the music was, and left us to our own entertainment.

Gina lived with these people because, I guess you could say, she was homeless. In a sense, she was about a year and a half younger than me. Very pretty, beautiful smile, pretty blond hair and big green eyes. But at thirteen, she knew far more about the streets than she should have. She didn’t know who her father was, and her mother was a drunk. She had an older sister who was married to a man in the navy, and lived in Connecticut. Nobody wanted Gina, except me. I loved her like a sister.

In the beginning, we bristled at each other on the school bus. Gina was a tough kid, and I guess as a defense mechanism, she always put on that tough-kid armor when necessary. After a week or so of school, we started talking. And since she was the only kid in the area of my age, we really kind of fell in together. My folks were divorced and barely spoke unless they had to. I’d just moved 600 miles from the only home I’d ever known in Mississippi and I was homesick, and she had no real home. Once we realized we both had wounds to lick, it clicked, and we became inseparable. She was a grade beneath me, so we had no classes together. But as soon as we’d board the school bus in the afternoon until it was time for bed, we were together.

We lived on the beach. It was a five-minute walk from where we lived, just a matter of crossing the road. If it was warm, I’d get off the bus and hurriedly do my chores that had to be finished before my mom got home from work. Then quickly get into my bathing suit. We’d meet up with our towels and smokes and head for the sand. I’d just started smoking when I met Gina. She smoked, not surprisingly, and when I was with her, I didn’t think about what my mom would do if she found out. In a way, I guess I wanted to emulate her free spirit. It wasn’t years later that I realized the intense sadness she must have felt.





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