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书名 | 中华人文 |
分类 | 人文社科-文化-民族/民俗文化 |
作者 | 杨昊成 |
出版社 | 江苏译林出版社有限公司 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 《中华人文(2018第1辑)》是一本译介中国当代作家作品兼顾中国当代艺术的全英文图书。本书以兼容并蓄的精神择选稿件,旨在向英语世界译介中华人文,特别是中国当代文学创作的优秀成果,弘扬中华人文精神,促进中华文化交流。 作者简介 杨昊成 内容简介 本辑主推作家是叶弥,共收录了叶弥的三篇短篇小说《明月寺》《雪花禅》和《香炉山》》、一篇访谈和一篇评论。本辑新增栏目“经典回声”,介绍了老子(包括《道德经》的部分翻译和一篇与此相关的文章。 目录 Editor’s Note 精彩书摘 Bright Moon Temple Ye Mi /叶 弥 Translated by Ella Schwalb In springtime, when the sunshine was goading all kinds of flowers to struggle into bloom, I slung my backpack over my shoulder and left home. I wanted to go see the blossoms. The season was sure to lose its pristine sparkle in two weeks’ time—many flowers would start to wilt on their branches, and petals would fall to the dust in droves. So I wanted to take it all in before the spring turned dull and dirty, to see how the flowers blossomed. Once this moment passed, would there be anything left blooming for me to see? My aim was simple. I squinted in the sun as it shone down on my face, and then I leisurely set out, heading south. I got to some mountains after a while. Peach blossoms stretched as far as the eye could see, and the earth and sky were all flooded with sun as the sweet wind drifted by above the flowering trees. In the soft, warm chuckle of that all-pervasive sunshine, I ceased to exist, my steps light and buoyant as though I were the sun’s own two feet. I was walking along when someone behind me said,“Hey there, where are you headed?” I turned around and saw a swarthy old villager with a stick-straight back walking behind me. “I’m taking a springtime walk,” I said. I hung back a bit, and the old man caught up to me. “You’ve come from the city,” he concluded confidently. Then he continued, as though talking to himself, “I’m just coming back from the city myself. I went yesterday on a transport ship that belongs to a relative, so I got a free ride. I started back first thing this morning, and caught a little town bus, but they wanted to charge me twelve yuan. I got mad, and got off halfway without paying them even one cent. That’s how I managed to save twelve yuan on my way there, and then six more on my way back.” I laughed to myself. He peered at my face, then said earnestly, “Nobody comes by these parts, as there are no touristic sites here. It has been an obscure locale from time immemorial.” I couldn’t help but let out a great belly laugh when I heard the old man putting on airs like this. But he didn’t pay me any mind, and just went on talking, “Erlang Mountain is the only good thing to see. Bright Moon Temple is up there, and there are lots of flowering plants and bamboo. There are pheasants too, and to the south and east of the mountain there’s a lake with wild ducks in it. People say that if the pheasants mate with the ducks, they make a phoenix... yes, this mountain is well worth seeing, so you might as well go up and take a look around. You can stay in the temple for twenty yuan a night, three meals included. The only people up there are the couple who run the temple. They used to be regular folk—from the city, like you. They came in the spring of 1970, but nobody knows why. It’s been almost thirty years now, and they’ve never had any family come to visit... The man is named Master Luo, and the woman Master Bo, and even though they run the temple, they still dress like commoners and live together as husband and wife, sleeping in the same room and everything. Isn’t that strange?” |
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