内容推荐 徐怀静、盖瑞·哈蒙编著的《英美文学赏析--小说与读者(高校英语选修课系列教材)(英文版)》为读者提供了一片视野、一面棱镜,以看破生活的迷雾,透析人性的本质。本书将短篇小说按照主题分为6个单元:“何为人?”“人所遭遇的逆境”“人该如何应对?”“人所应珍惜的价值”“人所应拥有的生存观”“生命的归宿”。每个单元荟萃4篇经典短篇,对上述哲学问题给予文学独特的阐释与解答。通过对经典作品与作家具有穿刺力的“导读”与“提问”,每个单元围绕上述6个环环相扣的主题,给予读者最有灵性的启迪。 本书可供高校英语专业和非英语专业的本科生使用。 目录 Ⅰ.The Person: What Is a Human Being? A&P/John Updike Lullaby /Leslie Marmon Silko The Lady with the Dog /Anton Chekho The Kiss/Anton Chekho Ⅱ.Personal Struggle: What Adversaries Do Human Beings Face? My Kinsman,Major Molineux/Nathaniel Hawthorne On the Road/Langston Hughes Coffee Break/Langston Hughes How the "Soviet"Robinson Crusoe Was Written /Ilya If and Eugeni Petrov Ⅲ.Conduct: How Should a Person Act Soldier's Home/Ernest Hemingway Barn Burning /William Faulkner He/Doris Lessing The Heroine/Isak Dinesen Ⅳ.Values: What Should a Person Value Greenleaf/Flannery O'Connor Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow/Kurt Vonnegut,Jr The Skylark and the Frog/Chuang-Tzu The Lottery/Shirley Jackson Ⅴ.Outlook: What Views of Existence Can a Person Have The Wall /Jean-Paul Sartre The Story of an Hour/Kate Chopin The Maker/Jorge Luis Borges Gimpel the Fool/Isaac Bashevis Singer Ⅵ.Purpose: For What Ends Can a Person Live Flowering Judas/Katherine Anne Porte "Repent,Harlequin!"Said the Ticktockman/Harlan Ellison Quality/John Galsworthy The Student/Anton Chekhov