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书名 欧拉致德国公主的书信--关于自然哲学的不同学科(第Ⅱ卷英文版)(精)
分类 科学技术-自然科学-自然科普
作者 (瑞士)莱昂哈德·欧拉
出版社 高等教育出版社
莱昂哈德·欧拉(Leonhard Euler,1707-1783),瑞士数学家,自然科学家。1707年4月15日生于瑞士巴塞尔,1783年9月18日去世于俄国圣彼得堡。15岁在巴塞尔大学获学士学位,翌年获硕士学位。父亲希望他学神学,而他最感兴趣的是数学,并受到约翰第一。伯努利的指导。18岁时,彻底放弃当牧师的念头而专攻数学,并开始发表文章。1727年,欧拉应圣彼得堡科学院的邀请到俄国。1731年接替丹尼尔第一。伯努利成为物理教授。他以旺盛的精力投入研究,在俄国的14年中,他在分析学、数论和力学方面做了大量出色的工作。他还应俄国政府的要求,解决不少诸如地图学、造船业中的实际问题。大量的写作带来的眼疾使他在1735年右眼失明。1741年受普鲁士腓特烈大帝的邀请到柏林科学院工作,达25年之久。在柏林期间他的研究内容更加广泛,涉及行星运动、刚体运动、热力学、弹道学、人口学,这些工作和他的数学研究相互推动。欧拉这个时期在微分方程、曲面微分几何以及其他数学领域的研究都是开创性的。1766年他又回到了圣彼得堡。一场重病使他的左眼于1771年也完全失明。然而由于他惊人的记忆力和心算技巧使他的创造力继续得到发挥,他通过与助手们讨论以及直接口授等方式又完成了大量科学著作,直至生命的最后一刻。
LETTER I. Continuation of the Subject, and of Mistakes in the Knowledge of Truth
LETTER II. First Class of Known Truths. Conviction That Things Exist Externally, Corresponding to the Ideas Represented by the Senses, Objection of the Pyrrhonists Reply
LETTER III. Another Objection of the Pyrrhonists against the Certainty of Truths Perceived by the Senses. Reply; and Precautions for Attaining Assurance of Sensible Truths
LETTER IV. Of Demonstrative, Physical, and Particularly of Moral Certainty
LETTER V. Remarks that the Senses Contribute to the Increase of Knowledge; and Precautions for Acquiring the Certainty of Historical Truths
LETTER VI. Whether the Essence of Bodies be Known by Us
LETTER VII. The True Notion of Extension
LETTER VIII. Divisibility of Extension in Infinitum
LETTER IX. Whether This Divisibility in Infinitum Takes Place in Existing Bodies
LETTER X. Of Monads
LETTER XI. Refiections on Divisibility in Infinitum, and on Monads
LETTER XII. Reply to the Objections of the Monadists to Divisibility in Infinitum
LETTER XIII. Principle of the Sufficient Reason, the Strongest Support of the Monadists
LETTER XIV. Another Argument of the Monadists, Derived from the Principle of the Sufficient Reason. Absurdities Resulting from It
LETTER XV. Reflections on the System of Monads
LETTER XVI. Continuation
LETTER XVII. Conclusion of Reflections on This System
LETTER XVIII. Elucidation Respecting the Nature of Colours
LETTER XIX. Reflections on the Analogy between Colours and Sounds
LETTER XX. Continuation
LETTER XXI. How Opaque Bodies are Rendered Visible
LETTER XXII. The Wonders of the Human Voice
LETTER XXIII. A Summary of the Principal Phenomena of Electricity
LETTER XXIV. The True Principle of Nature on Which Are Founded All the Phenomeria of Electricity
LETTER XXV. Continuation. Different Nature of Bodies Relatively to Electricity
LETTER XXVI. On the Same Subject
LETTER XXVII. Of Positive and Negative Electricity.Explanation of the Phenomenon of Attraction
LETTER XXVIII. On the Same Subject
LETTER XXIX. On the Electric Atmosphere
LETTER XXX. Communication of Electricity to a Bar of iron, by Means of a Globe of Glass
LETTER XXXL Electrization of Men and Animals




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