内容推荐 雷米·范·康普诺利著的《社会文化理论与二语教学语用学(英文版)》旨在基于社会文化理论,构建二语教学语用学的实施框架,为展开语用教学提供参考。 全书共分为七章。第一章至第三章主要介绍研究背景、理论基础、研究设计等内容,建立社会文化理论与二语教学语用学的逻辑联系。第四章至第六章为全书的主体部分,分别讨论话语反思对二语语用意识发展的作用,得体性判断任务对二语语用知识发展的作用,策略性互动情节对二语语用运用能力发展的作用。第七章在总结和分析书中研究不足的基础上,指出本书对科研、教学和教师教育的启示意义,并为未来的研究指明方向。 本书在研究选题、理论基础、分析维度、实验设计、数据解读等方面均具有较大的创新性,代表着当今语用教学研究的最新发展动向,对二语教学语用学的发展具有重要示范和推动作用。 目录 导读 Acknowledgments Transcription Conventions 1 Introduction Introducing Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Instructional Pragmatics Sociocultural Theory as a Basis for Educational Praxis Research Context and Data Sources Overview of the Chapters 2 Appropriateness in Language Learning and Language Teaching Introduction Theoretical Foundations of Appropriateness Pragmatics as Mediated Action: A Pedagogical Framework Conclusion 3 Understanding Learners as People Introduction Education and the Development of Personalities Internalization as Personalization Emotion and Instructional Pragmatics Conclusion 4 Developing Awareness of Pragmatic Knowledge Through Verbalized Reflections Introduction Language as a Psychological Tool Monologic Verbalized Reflection Dialogic Verbalized Reflection Conclusion 5 Developing Pragmatic Knowledge Through Appropriateness Judgment Tasks Introduction Dynamic Assessment and Pragmatic Knowledge Dynamically Administered Appropriateness Judgment Tasks as Transformative, Developmental Activity Pre-enrichment and Post-enrichment Appropriateness Judgment Tasks Conclusion 6 Developing Performance Abilities Through Strategic Interaction Scenarios Introduction Dynamic Assessment and Pragmatic Performance Human Mediation and the Emergence of Controlled Performance Orientation, Execution and Control Conclusion 7 The Future of Vygotskian Approaches to Instructional Pragmatics Introduction Implications for Research Implications for the Classroom Implications for Teacher Education Final Comments References