内容推荐 王爱虎编著的《工业工程专业英语(第3版高等院校工业工程专业系列规划教材)》系统介绍了工业工程领域的概貌、发展历程和发展趋势,清晰地勾勒出工业工程的知识体系。全书共6篇(24章),分别是:对工业工程的认识、基础工业工程、现代工业工程、丰田制造模式、工业工程前沿和工业工程展望。编者对每篇文章中的主要专业词汇和晦涩难懂的句子进行了详细注释和解读。并结合文章内容和国内工业工程的管理实践提出了相关问题供读者思考。为方便读者查阅和使用。在书末还附有工业工程专业词汇汇总表。 本书既可以作为工业工程专业本科生的专业英语教材使用,也可以作为该领域专业硕士和博士研究生论文写作的参考用书。同时,也可以作为其他专业的学生和从业人员快速了解工业工程领域发展历程、内涵和趋势的专业参考书。 作者简介 王爱虎,天津大学和美国纽约州立大学布法罗大学双博士,华南理工大学工商管理学院教授.博士生导师。 具有美资企业物流与供应链管理、运作管理、质量管理和客户服务等工作经验。主要从事国际物流管理、系统建模与仿真、运作管理和工业工程等领域的教学和科研工作。 自2002年以来,先后主持了国家自然科学基金项目、高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目、广东省自然科学基金项目、广东省软科学重点项目、广东省哲学社会科学等纵向项目10余项,粤港两地国际和区域港口和物流系统规划、国有和私营企业物流系统和供应链管理系统规划以及工业工程咨询项目20余项.积累了较为丰富的物流与供应链管理和工业工程的理论和实践经验。 在《Pakistan Journal of Statistics》,《IIE Transactionson Design and Manufacturing》.以及《经济研究》和《计算机集成制造系统》等刊物上发表论文50余篇。编辑出版《工业工程专业英语》(被评为普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材)和《物流与供应链管理专业英语》(后改名为“物流工程与管理专业英语”)教材两部,翻译英文原版教材《Methods,Standards and Work Design》和《InternationalLogistics: The Management of International TradeOperations》两部.独立编著《国际物流管理》教材一部并获全国工程硕士专业学位教育指导委员会推荐核心教材的资助。 目录 第一篇 对工业工程的认识 CHAPTERl Industrial Engineering Education for the 21st Century 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Quality in IE education 1.3 Theory andpractice 1.4 Curriculum integration 1.5 Role Of the IE 1.6 Ethics in education 1.7 Curriculum assessment 1.8 Conelusions CHAPTER2 Real IE Value 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Thename game 2.3 Curriculum 2.4 Other steps 2.5 Expectations 2.6 Future directions 2.7 More challenges CHAPTER 3 Grand Challenges for Industrial Engineering in the 21st Century 3.1 Background and introduction 3.2 NAE grand challenges 3.3 IIE council off ellows role forindustrial engineering 3.4 Aresearch and contribution plan for industrial engineering 3.5 Futurizing the IE curriculum 3.6 Summary and conclusions 第二篇 基础工业工程 CHAPTER4 OperationsResearch 4.1 Briefhistory 4.2 Some ORaccomplishments 4.3 Anoutlookon a research agenda CHAPTER 5 Work.Measured Labor Standards 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Developing standardtimes 5.3 Maintaining standardtimes 5.4 Summary CHAPTER6 Ergonomics 6.1 The origin ofergonomics 6.2 A system description ofergonomics 6.3 The goal ofsafety 6.4 The goal ofproductivity 6.5 The trade-off between productivity and safety 6.6 The goal ofoperator satisfaction 6.7 Conclusion CHAPTER 7 Research Challenges and Recent Progress in Next Generation Factory Layouts 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Emerging trends in industry 7.3 Next generation factory layouts 7.4 Researchchallenges CHAPTER 8 Operations Management 8.1 Celebration of history and accomplishments 8.2 The challenges of the 1970s and 1980s and the response 8.3 The department’s history and current editorial mission 8.4 The way forward CHAPTER 9 The Role of IE in Engineering Economics 9.1 Introducfion 9.2 Engineering economics 9.3 Steps in the evaluation process 9.4 Analytical problems encountered 9.5 Tools of engineering economy 9.6 The potential of IE forthe firm CHAPTER 10 Systems Engineering and Engineering Management 10.1 Nature of system development 10.2 Systems engineering and engineering management 10.3 Overlap,difference,and synergies 第三篇 现代工业工程 CHAPTER 11 Concurrent Engineering 11.1 Introduction 1I.2 The training philosophy CHAPTER 12 New Product Development 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Whatisthe“Front End 12.3 Awell-engineeredfront-endprocess 12.4 Balancing front-end explicitness and flexibility 12.5 Diagnosingfront-end activities 12.6 Managing the transition 12.7 Conclusion CHAPTERl3 Computer Integrated Manu facturing(CIM) 13.1 Computer-aideddesign 13.2 Computer-aided engineering 13.3 Computer-aidedmanufacturing 13.4 Networks 13.5 Otherkey elements offactory automation CHAPTER 14 The Evolution of Simulation 14.1 Introduction 14.2 The earlydays 14.3 Technical factors in simulation development 14.4 Organizational factors 14.5 Concluding summary 第四篇 丰田制造模式 CHAPTER 15 Classification of JIT Techniques 15.1 JIT’s pure engineering elements 15.2 Worker’s operations/activities as JIT elements 15.3 Japanese management-related elements of JIT 15.4 Is the classificationjustifiable 15.5 Significance ofthe classification 15.6 Lessons 15.7 Summary CHAPTER 16 Industrial Engineering of the Toyota Production System 16.1 Introdueffort 16.2 Continuous material flow 16.3 Holistic view of TPS 16.4 Amcient rite of waste elimination 16.5 Threepathways 16.6 The Gilbreths’“four step”approach 16.7 Origin of the MOl2 process chart 16.8 Contemporary industrial engineering 16.9 Shigeo Shingoandthe JMA 16.10 Discussion 16.11 Conclusions CHAPTER 17 Toyota’s Practical Thinking Shared Among Its Employees 17.1 Introduction 17.2 Literature review 17.3 |