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单词 speak
释义 speak
[spi:k] (spoke, spoken)
 ESSENTIAL  intransitive or transitive
■to say words, to use the voice, or to have a conversation with someone 说话,谈话;说
Would you mind speaking more slowly, please?请你再说慢点,好吗?
"Can I speak to / mainly USwith Ian please?" "Speaking (= This is Ian) "“请问伊恩在吗?”“我就是。”
If he tells Julie what I said, I'll never speak to him again.如果他把我说的话告诉茱莉,我就再也不和他说话。
formal She spoke of her sadness over her father's death.她谈起了父亲过世带给她的悲伤。
She speaks very highly of (= says good things about) the new director.她对新导演的评价很高。
I can certainly come but I can't speak for my wife (= I can't tell you whether she can or not).我确定能来,但我不能确定我妻子能不能来。
formal Who is going to speak for (= represent in a court of law) the accused?谁将为被告辩护?
He's old enough to speak for him self (= to say what he thinks).他已经到了能发表自己看法的年龄。
I went with Ava - speaking of (= on the subject of) Ava, have you seen her new haircut?我和艾娃一起去的——说起艾娃,你见过她的新发型了吗?
We've been invited to Rachel and Jamie's wedding - speaking of which , did you know that they're moving to Ealing?我们应邀参加了瑞秋和杰米的婚礼——说到这个,你知道他们要搬到伊灵去吗?
Speaking as (= With my experience as) a mother of four, I can tell you that children are exhausting.身为四个孩子的母亲,我可以这么说,孩子真会让人筋疲力尽。
Sue speaks with an American accent.苏说话带美国口音。
Why are you speaking in a whisper (= very quietly) ?你为甚么说话这么小声?
For five whole minutes, neither of them spoke a word (= they both said nothing).足足有五分钟的时间,他俩谁都没说话。
broadly/historically/strictly, etc. speaking
■talking from a particular point of view (表示看问题的角度)大体上说/从历史的角度看/严格地说等
Historically speaking, the island is of great interest.从历史的角度说,那个岛很值得注意。
Generally speaking, it's quite a good school.总的来说,这是一所不错的学校。
Strictly speaking (= If I behave according to the rules) , I should report it to the police.严格地说,我应该向警方告发这件事。
speak to sb
■to tell someone that they have done something wrong 责备(某人);告诫(某人)
The manager promised that she would speak to the person responsible.经理答应说,她会告诫负责的那个人。
  Common Learner Errors   speak or talk?Warning: choose the correct verb!To talk about two people or a group of people having a conversation, the most usual verb is talk :
They spoke all night about their childhood memories.They talked all night about their childhood memories.
[spi:k] (spoke, spoken)
 ESSENTIAL  transitive
■to (be able to) talk in a language (会)说,(会)讲(某种语言)
He speaks fluent French.他法语说得很流利。
How many foreign languages do you speak?你会说几种外语?
I couldn't speak a word of (= I did not know any) Spanish when I got there.我初到那里的时候,一句西班牙语都不会说。
I couldn't work out what language they were speaking.我无法理解他们说的是甚么语言。
[spi:k] (spoke, spoken)
 ADVANCED  intransitive
■to give a formal talk to a group of people 发言;讲话;演讲
Who is speaking in the debate tonight?今天晚上的辩论谁发言?
The Queen speaks to the nation on television every Christmas.每年圣诞节女王都会在电视上向全国发表演说。
Janet is speaking for the motion (= trying to persuade the people listening that the idea is good) and Peter is speaking against (it) (= trying to persuade them that it is bad).珍妮特打算发言支持这项动议,而彼得却打算表示反对。
[spi:k] (spoke, spoken)
   intransitive + adverb or preposition transitive literary
■to show or express something without using words (不用言语)表明,显示
She was silent, but her eyes spoke her real feelings for him.她没有说话,不过她的眼神流露出了对他的真实感情。
The whole robbery spoke of (= made it seem that there had been) inside knowledge on the part of the criminals.整个抢劫事件显示罪犯那边掌握了内情。
[spi:k] (spoke, spoken)
be on speaking terms (also know sb to speak to)
■to know someone well enough to talk to them 熟识(某人)
[spi:k] (spoke, spoken)
none to speak of (also no sth to speak of)
■very little of something 不少,不值一提
"Did you get much rain while you were in Singapore?" "None to speak of."“你在新加坡的时候,那里常下雨吗?”“非常少。”
[spi:k] (spoke, spoken)
not be on speaking terms
■If you are not on speaking terms with someone, you refuse to speak to them because you are angry with them (因生气)互不理睬; 冷战
They had a quarrel last night and now they're not on speaking terms (with each other).他们昨晚吵了一架,到现在还在冷战。
[spi:k] (spoke, spoken)
so to speak
■used to explain that what you are saying is not to be understood exactly as stated 姑妄言之,可以说
In that relationship it's very much Lorna who wears the trousers, so to speak (= Lorna makes all the important decisions).可以这么说,他们家里基本上是洛娜说了算。
[spi:k] (spoke, spoken)
speak your mind
■to say what you think about something very directly 说出心里话,坦言直说
He's certainly not afraid to speak his mind.他当然不怕说出自己的真正想法。
[spi:k] (spoke, spoken)
speak for yourself informal
■something you say to someone to tell them that the opinion that they have just expressed is not the same as your opinion (用于表示不同意某人的观点)那是你自己的看法,我不是那样想的
"We had a really boring trip." "Speak for yourself! I had a wonderful time!"“我们的旅行可真无趣。”“我可不这么想!我玩得很开心!”
[spi:k] (spoke, spoken)
speak too soon
■to say something which is quickly shown not to be true 过早下结论
He won't be home for ages yet... Oh, I spoke too soon - here he is now!他暂时还不会到家……哦,我这话说得太早了——他回来了!
[spi:k] (spoke, spoken)
speak to sb
■If something speaks to you, it has a special meaning or importance for you 对(某人)有特殊意义;对(某人)很重要
That painting really speaks to me.那幅画确实吸引了我。
[spi:k] (spoke, spoken)
speak volumes
■If something speaks volumes, it makes an opinion, characteristic or situation very clear without the use of words 使(看法、特点或情况)不言自明;清楚表明
She said very little but her face spoke volumes.她没说甚么,但她脸上的表情说明了一切。
[spi:k] (spoke, spoken)
Speak when you're spoken to! saying
■said to a child to tell them not to speak if no one speaks to them first 有问才答;要你说你才说
[spi:k] (spoke, spoken)
speaks for itself
■If something speaks for itself, it is clear and needs no further explanation 不言自明,有目共睹
The school's excellent record speaks for itself.学校的优秀成绩是有目共睹的。
[spi:k] (spoke, spoken)
  Phrasal Verbs   speak out/up
■to give your opinion about something in public, especially on a subject which you have strong feelings about (尤指对有强烈共鸣的话题)公开发表意见,坦率说出
If no one has the courage to speak out against the system, things will never improve.如果没有人敢挺身而出反对现行体制,情况永远也不会改善。
[spi:k] (spoke, spoken)
  Phrasal Verbs   speak up
■to speak in a louder voice so that people can hear you 提高嗓门,大声点说
Could you speak up? We can't hear at the back.你能说大声点吗?我们在后面听不到。
[spi:k] (spoke, spoken)
  Phrasal Verbs   speak up for sb/sth
■to support someone or something, especially by saying good things about them 支持;(尤指)为…说好话,为…辩护
She has often spoken up for the rights of working mothers.她经常为上班族妈妈说好话,维护她们的权益。




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