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书名 坎贝尔骨科手术学(脊柱分册第12版英文影印版)
分类 科学技术-医学-外科学
作者 (美)卡奈尔//贝蒂
出版社 天津科技翻译出版有限公司











 Spinal Anatomy and Surgical Approaches

 Fractures Dislocations and

 Fracture-Dislocations of the Spine

 Arthrodesis of the Spine

 Pediatric Cervical Spine

 Scoliosis and Kyphosis

 Lower Back Pain and Disorders of

 IntervertebraI Discs

 Infections of the Spine

 Other Disorders of the Spine

List of Techniques

 Spinal Anatomy and Surgical Approaches

 Anterior Transoral Approach(Spetzler)

 Anterior Retropharyngeal Approach(McAfee et a1.)

 Subtotal Maxillectomy(Cocke et a1.)

 Extended Maxillotomy,1535

 Anterior Approach C3 to C7(Southwick and Robinson)

 Anterolateral Approach to C2 to C7(Bruneau et a1.

 Chibbaro et a1.)

 Low Anterior Cervical Approach

 High Transthoracic Approach

 Transsternal Approach

 Modified Anterior Approach to Cervicothoracic Junction

 (Darling et a1.)

 Anterior Approach to the Cervicothoracic Junction Without

 Sternotomy(Pointillart et a1.)

 Anterior Approach to the Thoracic Spine

 Video.Assisted Thoracic Surgery(Mack et a1.)

 Anterior Approach to the Thoracolumbar Junction

 Anterior Retroperitoneal Approach L1 to L5

 Percutaneous Lateral Approach L1 to L4-5(Ozgur et a1.)

 Anterior Transperitoneal Approach L5 tO S1

 Video—Assisted Lumbar Surgery(Onimus et a1.)

 Posterior Approach to the Cervical Spine Occiput to C2

 Posterior Approach to the Cervical Spine C3 to C7

 Posterior Approach to the Thoracic Spine T1 to T12


 Posterior Approach to the Lumbar Spine L1 to L5

 Paraspinal Approach to the Lumbar Spine(Wiltse and


 Posterior Approach to the Lumbosacral Spine L1 to Sacrum


 Posterior Approach to the Sacrum and Sacroiliac Joint

 (Ebraheim et a1.)

 Fractures Dislocations and Fracture Dislocations of the Spine

 Application of Gardner.Wells Tongs

 Stretch Test

 Halo Vest Application

 OcciDitocervical Fusion Using Modular Plate and Rod Construct

 Segmental Fixation with Occipital Plating C1 Lateral Mass Screw,

 C2 Isthmic(Pars)Screws and Lateral Mass Fixation

 OcciDitocervical Fusion Using Wires and Bone Graft(Wertheim

 and Bohlman)

 Posterior C1.C2 Fusion Using Rod and Screw Construct with C1

 Lateral Mass Screws(Harms)

 Posterior C1.C2 Fusion Using the Modified Gallie Posterior Wiring

 Technique(Gallie Modified)

 Anterior Odontoid Screw Fixation(Etter)

 Posterior C1.C2 Transarticular Screws(Magerl and Seemann)

 Posterior C1一C2 Fusion with C2 Translaminar Screws


 Posterior C1.C2 Wiring(Brooks and Jenkins)

 Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion with Locking Plate

 Anterior Cervical Corpectomy and Fusion with Anterior Locking


 Posterior Subaxial Fixation and Fusion(Magerl)

 qhoracic and Lumbar Segmental Fixation with Pedicle


 Anterior Plating

 Lumbopelvic Fixation(Triangular Osteosynthesis)


 Arthrodesis of the Spine

 Smith.Robinson Anterior Cervical Fusion(Robinson et a1.)

 Anterior Occipitocervical Arthrodesis by Extrapharyngeal Exposure

 fDe Andrade and MacNab)

 Fibular Strut Graft in Cervical Spine Arthrodesis with Corpectomy

 (Whitecloud and Larocca)

 Anterior Arthrodesis of the Thoracic Spine

 Anterior Interbody Fusion of the Lumbar Spine

 (Goldner et a1.)

 Percutaneous Anterior Lumbar Arthrodesis--Lateral Approach to

 L1 to L4—5

 Hibbs Fusion(Hibbs as Described by Howorth)

 Posterolateral Lumbar Fusion(Watkins)

 Intertransverse Lumbar Fusion(Adkins)

 Minimally Invasive Posterior Lumbar Fusion(Gardocki)

 Pseudarthrosis Repair(Ralston and Thompson)

 Pediatric Cervical Spine

 Posterior Atlantoaxial Fusion(Gallie)

 Posterior Atlantoaxial Fusion Using Laminar Wiring(Brooks

 and Ienkins)

 Translaminar Screw Fixation Of C2

 0ccipitocervical Fusion

 0cciDitocervical Fusion Passing Wires Through rIlable of Skull

 (Wertheim and Bohlman)

 0cciDitocervical Fusion Without Internal Fixation

 (Koop et a1.)

 Occipitocervical Fusion Using Crossed Wiring

 (Dormans et a1.)

 Occipitocervical Fusion Using Contoured Rod and Segmental Rod


 Occipitocervical Fusion Usinfi a Contoured Occipital Plate and

 Screw Fixation

 Transoral Approach(Fang and Ong)

 Transoral Mandible—Splitting and Tongue—Splitting Approach

 (Hall Denis and Murray)

 Lateral Retropharyngeal Approach(Whitesides and Kelly)

 Anterior Retropharyngeal Approach(McAfee et a1.)

 Sternal—Splitting Approach(Mulpuri et a1.)

 Application of Halo Device(Mubarak et a1.)

 Posterior Fusion of C3-7

 Posterior Fusion of C3 to C7 Using -Gauge Wire and Threaded

 Kirschner Wires(Hall)

 Posterior Fusion with Lateral Mass Screw Fixation


 Posterior Fusion with Lateral Mass Screw Fixation

 Rib Resection fBonola).1683

 Posterior Spinal Fusion for Cervical Kyphosis Through a Lateral

 Approach(Sakaura et a1.)

 Scoliosis and Kyphosis

 Casting for Idiopathic Scoliosis

 Dual Growing Rod Instrumentation Without Fusion

 Growing Rod Attachment Using Rib Anchors(Sankar and


 Intervertebral Stapling

 Underarm Casts

 Posterior Approach

 Facet Fusion(Moe)

 Facet Fusion fHall)

 Autogenous Iliac Crest Bone Graft

 Pedicle Hook Implantation

 Transverse Process Hook Implantation

 Lamina Hook Implantation

 Instrumentation Sequence in Typical Lenke A Curve

 Sublaminar Wires

 Sublaminar Cables

 Thoracic Pedicle Screw Insertion Techniques

 Halo—Gravity Traction(Sponseller and Takenaga)

 Temporary Distraction Rod(Buchowski et a1.)

 Anterior Release(Letko et a1.)

 Osteotomy in Complex Spinal Deformity(Ponte Smith—Petersen


 Posterior Thoracic Vertebral Column Resection

 (Powers et a1.)


 Osteotomy of the Ribs(Mann et a1.)

 Thoracoabdominal Approach

 Lumbar Extraperitoneal Approach

 Disc Excision

 Anterior Instrumentation of a Thoracolumbar Curve with CD

 Horizon Legacy Dual.Rod Instrumentation


 Video—Assisted Thoracoscopic Discectomy(Crawford)

 CD Horizon Eclipse Spinal Instrumentation fPicettil

 Luque Rod Instrumentation and Sublaminar Wires Without Pelvic


 Sacropelvic Fixation(McCarthv)

 Galveston Sacropelvic Fixation(Allen and Ferguson)

 Unit Rod Instrumentation with Pelvic Fixation

 Iliac Fixation with Iliac Screws

 s2 Iliac Lumbopelvic Screw Placement(Sponseller)

 Transpedicular Convex Anterior Hemiepiphysiodesis and Posterior


 Convex Anterior and Posterior Hemiepiphysiodeses and Fusion


 Hamivertebra Excision(Hedequist and Emans)

 Transpedicular Eggshell Osteotomies with Frameless Stereotactic

 Guidance(MiMes et a1.)

 Expansion Thoracoplasty(Campbell)

 Anterior Release and Fusion

 Posterior Multiple—Hook and Screw Segmental Instrumentation


 Posterior Column Shortening Procedure for Scheuermann Kyphosis


 Anterior Osteotomy and Fusion(Winter et a1.)

 Anterior Cord Decompression and Fusion(Winter and


 Anterior Vascular Rib Bone Grafting(Bradford)

 Spondylolysis Repair(Kakiuchi)

 Modified Scott Repair Technique(Van Dam)

 Posterolateral Fusion and Pedicle Screw Fixation rLenke and


 Instrumented Reduction fCrandall)

 Partial Reduction and Interbody Fusion(Smith et a1.)

 One.Stage Decompression and Posterolateral Interbody Fusion

 (Bohlman and Cook)

 Uninstrumented Circumferential{n Situ Fusion

 (Helenius et a1.)

 L5 Vertebrectomy(Gaines)

 Posterior Instrumentation and Fusion

 Vertebral Excision and Reduction of Kyphosis

 (Lindseth and Seizer)

 Open Biopsy of Thoracic Vertebra(Michele and Krueger)

 Lower Back Pain and Disorders of Intervertebral Discs


 Interlaminar Cervical Epidural Injection

 Interlaminar Thoracic Epidural Injection

 Interlaminar Lumbar Epidural Injection

 Transforaminal Lumbar and Sacral Epidural Injection

 Caudal Sacral Epidural Injection

 Cervical Medial Branch Block Injection

 Lumbar Intraarticular Injection

 Lumbar Medial Branch Block Injection

 Sacroiliac Toint Injection

 Lumbar Discography(Falc01

 Thoracic Discography(Falco)

 Cervical Discography fFalco)

 Removal of Posterolateral Herniations by Posterior Approach

 (Posterior Cervical Foraminotomy)

 Minimally Invasive Posterior Cervica Foraminotomy with Tubular

 Distractors(Gala O’T00le Voyadzis and Fessler)

 Full—Endoscopic Posterior Cervical Foraminotomy

 (Ruetten et a1.)

 Microsurgical Anterior Cervical Foraminotomy

 (1ho Iohnson et a1.)

 Thoracic Costotransversectom~1932

 Thoracic Discectomy--Anterior Approach

 Endoscopic Thoracic Discectomy fRosenthal et a1.)

 Minimally Invasive Thoracic Discectomy

 Micro Lumbar Disc Excision(Williams Modified)

 Ruptured Lumbar Disc Excision

 Dural Repair Augmented with Fibrin Glue

 Repeat Lumbar Disc Excision

 Coccygeal Injection

 Infections of the Spine

 Drainage of a Retropharyngeal Abscess

 Drainage of an Abscess of the Posterior Triangle of the Neck

 Alternative APproach for Drainage of a Retropharyngeal




 Drainage of Paravertebral Abscess

 Drainage Through the Petit Triangle

 Drainage by Lateral Incision

 Drainage bv Anterior Incision

 Coccygectomy for Drainage of a Pelvic Abscess(Lougheed and


 Radical D6bridement and Arthrodesis fHodgson et a1.)

 Dorsolateral Approach to the Dorsal Spine fRoaf,Kirkaldy-Wi11is

 and Cathro)

 Anterolateral Decompression(Lateral Rhachotomy)


 Anterolateral Decompression(Lateral Rhachotomy)


 Other Disorders of the Spine

 Midline Decompression(Neural Arch Resection)

 Spinous Process Osteotomy(Decompression)

 (Weiner et a1.)


 Laminectomy(Gill et a1.1

 Posterolateral in Situ Fusion(Wiltse Modified)

 Modified Bilateral Posterolateral Fusion.2015

 Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion

 Spondvlolisthesis Reduction fSpeed)

 Paramedian Retroperitoneal Approach(Lehmer)

 Combined Anterior and Posterior Fusion(Boachie—Adjei and


 Anterior Decompression


 Posterolateral Decompression





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