Homes on the Move are cost-effective, simple to construct, easily adapted to their surroundings, and bewilderingly diverse in their design. They range from nomads' tents and the legendary VW camper van to perfectly-engineered mobile event structures and containers used in modern modular prefab architecture. This book presents over 60 models from different eras and geographical regions, created by some of the world's most famous architects, engineers, and desig nets. They serve to illustrate the transformation of mobility into a contemporary, forward-looking concept of living.
Sie sind preiswert, einfach zu bauen und passen sich ihrer Umwelt perfekt an: Homes on the Move. Ihre Gestaltung ist von verbluiffender Vielfalt; sie reicht von den Zelten der Nomaden bis zu den legendaren, allzeit beliebten Caravans, uber perfekt designte mobile Veranstaltungsgebaude bis zu Containern als Module fur zeitgenossische Fertigarchitektur. Prasentiert werden uber 60 Entwurfe aus den unterschiedlichsten Epochen und geografischen Gebieten. Kreiert von einigen der renommiertesten Architekten, Ingenieure und Designer, zeigen sie die Entwicklung der Mobilitat zu einem ebenso zeitgenossischen wie zukunftstrachtigen Wohnkonzept.
Chapter 1 from the origins to 1960 - Kapitel 1 von den Anfangen bis 1960
Tipi Tents - America
Yurts - Asia
Wagon Trains - USA
4 D Dymaxion House: Buckminster Fuller - USA
Airstream Trailers: Wallace Merle"Wally" Byam - USA
Farnsworth House: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe - USA
Kaufmann Desert House: Richard Neutra - USA
Lustron Homes: Lustron Corporation - USA
Chapter 2 from 1960 to 1980- Kapitel 2 von 1960 bis 1980
Casa Minolina 51: Giulio Minoletti - Italy
Volkswagen-Transporter: Volkswagen-Westfalia - Germany
Six-Shell-Bubble: Jean Benjamin Maneval - France
Geodesic Dome: Buckminster Fuller- Canada
Nakagin Capsule Tower: Kisho Kurokawa -Japan
Unita di emergenza Fiat-Anic: Marco Zanuso - Italy
Mobile House: Alberto Rosselli, Isao Hosoe - Italy
Caravan laverda"Serie blu": Nizzoli Sistemi - Italy
House in Beverly Hills: Helmut C. Schulitz - USA
Teatro del mondo: Aldo Rossi - Italy
Chapter 3 from 1980 to 2000 - Kapitel 3 yon 1980 bis 2000
Stainless House with Light Lattice: Shoei Yoh - Japan
Hollywood Houses: Helmut C. Schulitz - USA
Future Shack: Sean Godsell Architects - Australia
Markies: Eduard Bohtlingk-The Netherlands
Aktion Poliphile: Studio Granda - Germany
Camion Inox: Jean Nouvel, Emmanuel Cattani & Associes - France
Glass House between Sea and Sky: Shoei Yoh -Japan
M&G Ricerche: Philippe Samyn & Partners, architects & engineers - Italy
Maison a Lege, Cap Ferret: Lacaton & Vassal- France
Modular House Mobile: Atelier Van Lieshout- The Netherlands
Millennium Dome: Richard Rogers Partnership - UK
SU-SI: Johannes Kaufmann - Austria
Maison a Coutras: Lacaton & Vassal - France
Mukarov House: Ivan Kroupa - Czech Republic
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Atelier Van Lieshout - USA
FRED: Johannes Kaufmann - Austria
M-House: Michael Jantzen - USA
Chapter 4 from 2000 to now- Kapitel 4 yon 200o bis heute
Casa Insecto: Santiago Cirugeda - Spain
Maison flottante: Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec- France
MDU (Mobile Dwelling Unit): LOT-EK- USA
M-House:Tim Pyne- UK
Capa Self Sustained Module: Cannata & Fernandes - Portugal
DST Self Sustained Module: Cannata & Fernandes - Portugal
Glidehouse: Michelle Kaufmann - USA
House of Steel and Wood: Ecosistema urbano - Spain
LoftCube: Werner Aisslinger- Germany
Superadobe Domes and Vaults: Nader Khalili - USA
OMD ShowHouse: OMD- USA
FRFITAG Shop Zurich: Spillmann Echsle - Switzerland
Volkner Mobil Performance: Volkner Mobil - Germany
Bookbus: Muungano - Sweden
Flake House: olgga architectes - France
MagicKub,'b(R)ouillon architectural: Atelier RVL architectes - France
Santa Monica Prefab: OMD - USA
Mercury House One: Architecture and Vision - Italy
Mini House: Jonas Wagell - Sweden
Cabin Vardehaugen: Fantastic Norway- Norway
Joshua Tree: Hangar Design Group - Italy
R-House: Michael Jantzen - USA
Arana (The Spider): Recetas Urbanas - Spain
M-Hotel:Tim Pyne- UK
The Burnham Pavilion: Zaha Hadid - USA