"The Phoenix and the Carpet(E.NESBIT)"(Witer E.NESBIT):The The highest standards in editing and production have been applied to the Wordsworth Children's Classics, while the low price makes them affordable for everyone. Wordsworth's list covers a range of the best-loved stories for children, from nursery tales, classic fables, and fairy tales to stories that will appeal to older children and adults alike. Many of these volumes have contemporary illustrations, and while they are ideal for shared family reading, their attractive format will also encourage children to read for themselves. Like all Wordsworth Editions, these children's books represent unbeatable value.
The Phoenix and the Carpet is E. Nesbit's second fantasy novel and is the sequel to Five Children and It.From Robert, Anthea, Jane and Cyril's new nursery carpet there falls a mysterious egg which is hatched in the fire to reveal a benevolent, resourceful and ingenious Phoenix who explains that the carpet is possessed of magic qualities. And so begins a series of fantastic and bizarre adventures as the carpet transports the children and the Phoenix to places as diverse as a chilling French castle, a desert island and even the Phoenix Fire Insurance Company's offices,which the Phoenix believes to be a shrine for his followers.
ONE The Egg
TWO The Topless Tower
THRE The Queen Cook
FOUR Two Bazaars
FIVE The Temple
SIX Doing Good
SEVEN Mews from Persia
EIGHT The Cats, the Cow and the Burglar
NINE The Burglar's Bride
TEN The Hole in the Carpet
ELEVEN The Beginning of the End
TWELVE The End of the End