Inside the World of Board Graphics began as a rather unlikely proposition--a counterproposal to another book idea. When our acquisitions editor,Emily Potts, first called she asked us to write a book called 1,000 Board Graphics. Although the 1,000 series has been quite successful for Rockport,we felt it was the wrong kind of book for us. We wanted to create something with more depth; something that told the backstories of the work. And so the idea for this book was born,allowing us to share the designs of the hundreds of artists whose work you are about to explore.
Inside the World of Board Graphics takes a comprehensive look at the global presence and cultural influence of surf, skate, and snowboard art and design with more than 50 in-depth profiles and interviews from artists representing more than 23 countries.
Internationally recognized artists and designers such as Art Chantry, Katrin Olina, Emil Kozak,and James Victore are placed alongside board industry superstars Martin Worthington,Yoshihiko Kushimoto, and Rich Harbour,lending insight into the creative and working process of these iconic image makers.
With over 800 images from more than 150 contributors, Inside the World of Board Graphics is the most comprehensive collection of its kind providing artistic inspiration for anyone working in a creative field.
Skate Introduction
Marc Hostetter
Martin Ander Sweden
Morning Breath U.S.A.
Hakobo Poland
Max Vogel U.S.A.
Emil Kozak Spain
Edgar A. Reyes Ramirez Mexico
Anthony Yankovic U.S.A.
35th North Skateshop U.S.A.
Skateistan Afghanistan
Mike Fisher U.S.A.
Mzwandile Buthelezi South Africa
Hannah Stouffer U.S.A.
Haroshi Japan
Aske Japan
Modern Dog Design Co. U.S.A.
Surf Introduction
Murray Walding
Martin Worthington Australia
Daniel Arsenault U.S.A.
Yoshihiko Kushimoto Japan
Paul McNeil Australia
Macarrao Brazil
Rich Harbour U.S.A.
Gustavo Giler Ecuador
Grain Surfboards U.S.A.
Trina Packard U.S.A.
Conn Bertish South Africa
Arne Knudson U.S.A.
Drew Brophy U.S.A.
James Victore U.S.A.
Jeannie Chesser U.S.A.
Jair Bortoleto Brazil
Josh Brown Australia
Snow Introduction
Matt Barr
Max Jenke Canada
Katrin Olina Iceland
Mervin U.S.A.
Loslohbros England
Taro Tamai Japan
Jari Salo Finland
Styk U.S.A.
Aaron Draplin U.S.A.
JMZ (Jim Zbinden) Switzerland
Art Chantry U.S.A.
Ghica Popa Romania
Amy Ruppel U.S.A.
Derek Muscat Canada
Michael Paddock U.S.A.
Author Bios