Jeffrey Archer's latest novel, False Impression, is a breathtaking journey of twists and turns thai takes you from New York to London to Bucharest and on to Tokyo... and finally to a sleepy English village, where the mystery of Van Gogh's lasT painting is finally resolved.
And Only then will you discover that Van Gogh's SeLF-Portrait with Bandaged Ear has a secret of its own that acts as the ultimate twist in this unforgettable yarn.
An old lady is brutally murdered the night before 9/11 A New York banker receives a woman's left ear in the morning post A top-notch lawyer works for 0nly one client...but never charges a lee A professional young woman steals a Van Gogh... but she isn't a thief An Olympic gynmasI is paid a million dollars...but has no bank account.
An honouis graduate inherits a fortune...but works as a temp A Japanese steel magnate gives $50 million to a woman he's only met once and a senior FBI agent is trying to work out the connection between these sexen apparenrlg innocent individuals.