Medical and Aerospace Applications explores how microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and nanotechnology (NT) improve the performance of sensors and devices.The author presents the latest performance parameters and experimental data of stateof-the-art sensors and devices.
MEMS and Nanotechnology-Based Sensors and Devices for Communications,Medical and Aerospace Applications explores how microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and nanotechnology (NT) improve the performance of sensors and devices.The author presents the latest performance parameters and experimental data of stateof-the-art sensors and devices. He describes packaging details, materials and their properties, and fabrication requirements vital for design, development, and testing.Some of the cutting-edge materials covered include quantum dots, nanoparticles.photonic crystals, and carbon nanotubes (CNTs).accelerometers, photonic bandgap devices.acoustic sensors, CNT-based transistors, photovoltaic cells, and smart sensors.It discusses how these sensors and devices are used in a ntimber of applications,including weapons' health, battlefield monitoring, cancer research, stealth technology,chemical detection, and drug delivery.
1 Highlights and Chronological Developmental History of MEMS Devices Involving Nanotechnology
2 Potential Actuation Mechanisms, Their Performance Capabilities,and Applications
3 Latest and Unique Methods for Actuation. Packaging, Processing, and Material Requirements for MEMS Devices
5 RF-MEMS Switches Operating at Microwave and mm-Wave Frequencies
6 RF/Microwave MEMS Phase Shifter..Applications of Micropumps and Microfluidics.
8 Miscellaneous MEMS/Nanotechnology Devices and Sensors for Commercial and Military Applications
9 Materials for MEMS and Nanotechnology-Based Sensors and Devices