Containing 400 pages with over 400 full-color photographs, this book will take the reader on a fascinating journey through the creative world of culinary design, displaying a selection of the best packaging designs and a broad range of the latest trends in kitchen accessories and tableware designed by renowned designers such as Matteo Thun, Philippe Starck and Renzo Piano. In addition, the book offers a glimpse into some of the best restaurant kitchens and illustrates some of the best publicity campaigns devoted to food.
Containing 400 pages with over 400 full-color photographs, this book will take the reader on a fascinating journey through the creative world of culinary design, displaying a selection of the best packaging designs and a broad range of the latest trends in kitchen accessories and tableware designed by renowned designers such as Matteo Thun, Philippe Starck and Renzo Piano. In addition, the book offers a glimpse into some of the best restaurant kitchens and illustrates some of the best publicity campaigns devoted to food.
Dieser Band fvhrt den Leser auf 400 Seiten mit mehr als 400 Farbfotos auf eine faszinierende Reise durch die kreative Welt des Food Designs. Er gibt einen vberblick vber die besten Verpackungsdesigns und zeigt die neuesten Trends in der Gestaltung von Kuchenutensilien und Geschirr renommierter Designer wie Matteo Thun, Philippe Starck und Renzo Piano. Das Buch edaubt einen exktusiven Blick in Restaurantkvchen und enthalt einen bberblick vber die wichtigsten Werbekampagnen rund ums Essen.
Au fil de 400 pages, offTant plus de 400 photos en couteurs, cet ouvrage accompagne le lecteur dans un voyage fascinant darts I'univers creatif du design culinaire. II y rassemble une selection des meilleurs designs d'emballage et une vaste palette des tendances les plus actuelles du design d'ustensiles de cuisine et de vaisselle de createurs de renom comme Matteo ]hun. Philippe Starck et Renzo Piano. Ce livre nous ouvre les portes des cuisines des restaurants et nous devoile un panorama des meilleures campagnes de publicite alimentaires.
A Io largo de 400 paglnas y con m&s de 400 fotos a todo color, el presente libro acompaflara al lector en un fascinante viaje por el creativo mundo del diseno culinario con una selecci6n de los mejores disenos de embalajes y una amplia muestra de las tendencias mas actuales en el diserno de utensilios de cocina y de vajilla, realizados por disenadores de renombre como Matteo Thun, Philippe Starck y Renzo Piano. Podremos, ademas, adentrarnos en las cecinas de los restaurantes y disfrutar de una selecci6n de las mejores campanas de publicidad sobre comida.
In 400 pagine e con piu di 400 foto a colori, questo libro accompagner& il lettore in un affascinante viaggjo attraverso il creativo mondo del design culinario con una selezione dei migliori disegni d! imballaggm e un'ampia scelta delle tendenze piu attuali del design degli utensili da cucina e della stoviglieria, realizzato da famosi designers come Matteo Thun,Philippe Starck e Renzo Piano. Potremo, inoltre, addentrarci nelle cucine dei ristoranti e avere una panoramica delle migliori campagne pubblicitarie sull'alimentazione.