The third edition of The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases has been completely revised,including reworked chapters or sections on:
audit regulation
risk-based approach to audit
systems work
assurance services
corporate governance
criticisms and developments in a uditing
It covers the provisions of the Companies Act 1985 and provides detailed coverag of auditing standards issued by APB, together with references to equivalent international standards.
This clear well-structured and easy to follow textbook is designed for students doing both degree and professional courses in accounting. Its fnendlv approach, the margin notes and the numerous selfassessment questions make it an ideal tool for independent study. A new feature is the provision of a new set of self-assessment questions with answers available to tutors.
In this refreshing, imaginative and thorough introduction to the audit process, the authors provide a rational and coherent foundation for the appreciation of auditing practice. With the aid of numerous examples, case studies and questions,The Audit Process:Principles,Practice and Cases provides a realistic and thought-provoking insight into the individual components of the auditing process in’ the context of the entire audit. A major strength of the book is its questioning approach,designed to encourage the student to interact with the material.
The third edition of The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases has been completely revised,including reworked chapters or sections on:
audit regulation
risk-based approach to audit
systems work
assurance services
corporate governance
criticisms and developments in a uditing
It covers the provisions of the Companies Act 1985 and provides detailed coverag of auditing standards issued by APB, together with references to equivalent international standards.
This clear well-structured and easy to follow textbook is designed for students doing both degree and professional courses in accounting. Its fnendlv approach, the margin notes and the numerous selfassessment questions make it an ideal tool for independent study. A new feature is the provision of a new set of self-assessment questions with answers available to tutors.
1 Why are auditors needed?
2 An overview of the postulates and concepts of auditing
3 The meaning and importance of auditor independence
4 Audit regulation
5 The risk-based approach to audit: Audit judgement
6 The search for evidence explained
7 Systems work: Basic ideas 1
8 Systems work: Basic ideas 2
9 Testing and evaluation of systems
10 Substantive testing, computer-assisted audit techniques and audit programmes
11 Sampling and materiality
12 Finalwork: Generalprinciples, analytical review of financial statements, fixed assets and debtors
13 Final work: Specific problems related to stocks, long-term contracts and trade creditors
14 Final review: Post-balance sheet period, provisions, contingencies, letter of representation and audit of groups
15 Assurance engagements and internal audit
16 The auditors’ report
17 Fraud and going concern
18 The audit expectations gap and corporate governance
19 The auditor and liability under the law
20 Criticisms and developments in auditing
21 Examination hints and final remarks
Examination questions
Suggested solutions to examination questions
Index of case studies
Index of legal cases