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书名 | 摩擦材料的表征/材料表征原版系列丛书 |
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作者 | (美)布伦德尔//埃文斯//格拉瑟 |
出版社 | 哈尔滨工业大学出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 摩擦材料的表征一书讨论了先进表面科学表征技术在摩擦磨损、粘附磨损、磨蚀、边界润滑、接触疲劳等方面的应用。尽管轴承、齿轮、密封圈及其他制动与滑动表面的表面表征在工业中并不常见,但它在磁记录表面已经普遍应用,并且在不久的将来,它将在先进质量加工的控制及大量精密零件的加工制造中更普遍。这本《摩擦材料的表征》(作者布伦德尔、埃文斯、格拉瑟)对在摩擦学领域中使用或考虑使用先进表征技术的科学家与工程师来说将会非常有用。同时它也告知表面科学家摩擦学是一个激动人心的新领域,表面科学可以在此发挥一定作用。 内容推荐 《摩擦材料的表征》内容介绍:This classic text discusses the use of advanced surface science characterization techniques in friction,adhesive and abrasive wear,boundary lubrication,contact fatigue,and other important failure processes.Surface characterization of bearings,gears,seals,and other manufactured rolling and sliding surfaces are increasingly routine in advanced quality control of processes and in the manufacture of precision components.This book is an indispensable asset to scientists and engineers using tribological characterization techniques. 《摩擦材料的表征》的作者是布伦德尔、埃文斯、格拉瑟。 目录 Preface to the Second Edition Preface to the Reissue ofthe Materials Characterization Series Preface to Series Preface to the Reissue of Characterization of Tribological Materials Preface Acronyms Contributors INTRODUCTION THE ROLE OF ADHESION IN WEAR 2.1 Introduction 2.2 ConsiderationsforExperiments Background 12, MacroscopicExperiments 13, AtomicLevel Experiments 15, MicroscopicContacts 2.3 Theoretical Considerations at the Atomic Level BackgroundforTheory 17, UniversalBindingEnergyRelation 19, SemiempiricalMethods 2.4 Conclusions References FRICTION 3.1 Introduction 3.2 SlidingFriction Basic Concepts 28, TheDualNature of FrictionalProcess 29, Phenomenology of Friction Process 30, RealArea ofContact 33, Adhesion Component ofFriction 38, Thelnterface Shear Stress 40, DeformationComponentofFriction 40, Viscoelastic ComponentofFriction 43, FrictionUnderBoundaryLubrication Conditions 45, PhenomenaAssociatedwithFriction 3.3 RollingFriction ReviewofRollingFrictionHypotheses 51, FreeRolling 3.4 ExceptionalFrictionProcesses 3.5 Conclusions References ADHESIVE WEAR 4.1 Introduction 4.2 SurfaceAnalysis 4.3 Auger Analysis ofWorn Surfaces After "Unlubricated Wear" 4.4 In Situ Systems 4.5 Conclusions References ABRASIVE WEAR 5.1 AbrasiveAsperitiesandGrooves 5.2 YieldCriterionofanAbrasiveAsperity AbrasiveWear Mode Diagram 5.3 Degree ofWear at OneAbrasive Groove 5.4 MacroscopicWearinMultipleAbrasiveSlidingContacts References BOUNDARY LUBRICATION 6.1 Introduction 6.2 MechanicaIEffectsin Lubrication 6.3 Adequacy ofHydrodynamic Fluid Films 6.4 ChemicalEffectsinLiquidLubrication_BoundaryLubrication 6.5 Wear and Failure 6.6 Researchin BoundaryLubrication 6.7 Laboratory Research 101 6.8 Composition of Films 102 6.9 Further Mechanical Effects of the Boundary Lubricant Layer 104 6.10 Surface Analysis of Boundary Lubricated Metals 105 6.11 Ellipsometry and Its Use in Measuring Film Thickness 106 References 109 MAGNETIC RECORDING SURFACES 7.1 Introduction 111 7.2 Magnetic Storage Systems 112 7.3 Wear Mechanisms 114 Head-(Particulate) Tape Interface 114, Head-(Particulate) Rigid Disk Interface 116, Head-(Thin-Film) Rigid Disk Interface 117 7.4 Lubrication Mechanisms 119 Measurement of Localized Lubricant Film Thickness 120, Lubricant-Disk Surface Interactions 124, Lubricant Degradation 126 References 128 SURFACE ANALYSIS OF PRECISION BALL BEARINGS 8.1 Introduction 130 8.2 Disassembly 131 Examination, Optical Microscopy, and Photography 131, Gas Analysis by Mass Spectrometry 131, Lubricant Analysis and Removal 131 8.3 Microexamination 132 Scanning Electron Microscopy 132, Profilometry 135 8.4 Surface Analysis 136 Auger Electron Spectroscopy 136, Photoelectron Spectroscopy 137, SIMS 142, Vibrational Spectroscopy 142 8.5 Future Directions 142 Acknowledgments 143 References 144 ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPE NANOFRICTION 9.1 Introduction 146 9.2 Description 146 9.3 Friction Measurements 148 9.4 Uses 148 9.5 Kelvin Probe Application 150 References 150 APPENDICES: TECHNIQUE SUMMARIES 1 Light Micr0scop), 155 2 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) 156 3 In Situ Wear Device for the Scanning Electron Microscope 157 4 Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Scanning Force Microscopy (STM and SFM) 158 5 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) 159 6 Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS) 160 7 Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) 161 8 Electron Probe X-Ray Microanalysis (EPMA) 162 9 X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) 163 10 Low-Energy Electron Diffraction (LEED) 164 11 X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) 165 12 Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) 166 13 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) 167 14 Raman Spectroscopy 168 15 Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS) 169 16 Static Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (Static SIMS) 170 17 Surface Roughness: Measurement, Formation by Sputtering, Impact on Depth Profiling 171 Index 173 |
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