Denis Krief,Pierre Zins and Bernard Zins who inspired this work.My deepest gratitude to Cecil Bokobsa,Barbara ]eauffroy, LSonore Lara, Delphine Pietri, Delphine Priollaud and Anne Laure Quilleriet, as well as Maria Ter Markarian and Alexandre Vassiliev for their invaluableassistance.
Duds,trouser.ducks,cords.pius fours.Fantary pants.Sports pants Cassimere pants.Sunder Pants.Baggy,skin-tight .narrow,hugging,Hussar pants,bell-bottoms,cuffed ,with foot straps.Oriental sarouels,Indians dhotis,Korean pajis,jJapanese hakamas,pants have spanned centurics and civilizations.Outfit of horsewormen and eccentrics.they have been deemed indecent by American conservatives.With them,ture revolutions in fashion have found at home.Their name remains fixed with Levie's Poiret.Chanel and Yves Saint Laurent,who mand them a classic of the woman's wardrobe.
Why pants more than the blouse or the skirt?Because its unique, manifold ,comples history is tied to struggles-struggles of love?The two legs of this daredevil have walked without rest during all of the twentieth century.In their way,they are its memory and its fabric.
Chapter 1 In the Begimfing
From the baggypants of the Persians to the Leggings of the Rornans
Chapter 2 Breeches, Knickers and Leggings
The Trials and Tribulations of the Culotte
Chapter 3 From the Old Regime to the Revolution
The Triumph of tile Sans-Culottes
Chapter 4 Horsewomem Merveilleuses and Bloomerists
Heroes Afoot
Chapter 5 Elegants, Suffragettes and Pedalers
Hygiene and Emancipation
Chapter 6 Idols, Parisian Sultans and Odalisques
Orientalism and Society Life
Chapter 7 Munitionnettes, Garconnes and Montparnos
The Avant-Garde and Liberation
Chapter 8 Beach Pajamas, Knickerbockers and Norwegian
Pants Sports and Holidays
Chapter 9 Stars, Zazous and Enlisted Women
The Fabric of the Incorruptible
Chapter 10 Stretch Pants, Corsair Pants and Teddy Boys
The Beautiful Getaways
Chapter 11 Beguines, Trendies and Taboos
The Unisex Generation
Chapter 12 Hippies, Overalls and Bellbottoms
The Hippy Generation and Low-Waisted Pants
Chapter 13 Leggings, Punks and the Baggy Look
The Stretch Decade
Chapter 14 Androgens, Hip-Chic, Techno
The Reign and the Passing
Exercises in Style: Pants from Every Angle
A Thematic Journey
Overalls, Short Culottes and Pajamas
Custom-Made-The Tailor's Tradition
Fatigues, Carpenters and Chinos
The bhle jean planet
From Work Clothes to Vintage
Slits, Flies and “Stroke it”: Pants Hell
Pantaloon, Harlequins and Drag
Pants of the World
Sarouels, Hakamas and Faraway Dreams
The Imagination of Pants