·教材经典 作者是印度英语写作教学的专家,本书集作者多年讲授英语写作课的经验,自1979年出版以来。作为中学和大学的教材,多次重印、修订,至今盛销不衰。
·实用性强 针对英语写作的用途,本书分九个单元——段落、描述和记叙、议论文、信札、笔记、摘要、报告、备忘录、图表应用——讲解了主要的修辞手段和实用文体的写作方法和技巧。
·方便教学 语言深入浅出,讲解循序渐进,配以众多例子说明,并配有各种练习;各章还配有中文导学,帮助学习者把握重点。
Preface to the Third Edition
Preface to the Second Ed ition
1 Paragraph Writing段落写作
1.1 Definition
1.2 The topic sentence
1.3 Features of a good paragraph(Unity)
1.4 Features of a good paragraph(Coherence)
2 Description and Narration描述和记叙
2.1 Describing objects
2.2 Describing people and places
2.3 Describing processes and mechanisms
2.4 Narration
3 Essay Writing议论文
3.1 C haracteristics of a good essay
3.2 Steps in essay writing
3.3 Types of essays
3.4 Statement of pu rpose
4 Letter Writing书信
4.1 Personal letters
4.2 Business letters
4.3 Letters of application
4.4 Letters to the editor
4.5 Letters for some common social situations
4.6 F—mail and the Internet
5 Note Making笔记
5.1 Importance of note making
5.2 How to make notes
6 Precis Writing and Abstracting摘要
6.1 Definition of a precis
6.2 HOw to write a good precis
6.3 Language work in a precis
6.4 Abstractincj for totaI information
7 Report Writi ng报告和报道
7.1 Different types of reports
7.2 Minutes and agendas
8 Memorandums and Short Tasks短篇文字
8.1 Memorandums
8.2 Advertisements
8.3 Traffic signs and other notices
8.4 Newspaper headlines
8.5 Checklists
9 The Use of Graphics图表
9.1 Why we use charts,diagrams and maps
9.2 Types of graphic representation
About the Author