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书名 | 机械零件设计(附光盘缩编版英文版原书第8版)/时代教育国外高校优秀教材精选 |
分类 | 科学技术-工业科技-机械工业 |
作者 | (美)斯波茨//舒普//霍恩伯格 |
出版社 | 机械工业出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 本书为《机械零件设计》第8版的缩编本,内容包括机械设计概论、基本应力分析和失效理论、轴的设计、弹簧、螺栓连接和螺旋传动、带传动、离合器、制动器和链传动、润滑、滚动轴承、直齿圆柱齿轮、斜齿轮、锥齿轮和蜗杆传动等。 内容推荐 本教材缩编自M.F.Spotts,T.E.Shoupand L.E.Hornberger编写的《Design of Machine Elements》(8fhEdition)。该书内容丰富,大部分内容适合我国机械类本科生的教学要求。原教材共15章,不仅包括典型机械零部件的设计方法,而且还包括工程力学、工程材料、形状综合原理和塑料零件的设计等内容。为和我国目前高校机械基础课程体系中机械设计课程的内容相衔接,以便于各类读者使用,编者对教材进行了重新组织和缩编。现包括9章内容,包括机械设计概论、基本应力分析和失效理论、轴的设计、弹簧、螺栓连接和螺旋传动、带传动、离合器、制动器和链传动、润滑、滚动轴承、直齿圆柱齿轮、斜齿轮、锥齿轮和蜗杆传动。从删减的内容看,其内容或是与我们的课程关系不大,或是在其他课程里已经学过。对于原书中丰富的习题,根据保留的基本内容进行了相应的删减。另外,原教材为读者提供了一些基本的工程力学计算、典型零部件的设计程序。为与纸质教材相关内容相一致,没有改变原程序中的模块编号。本教材可以作为英文或双语教学用机械设计课程的教材,也可供机械工程专业本科生、研究生或其他从事机械设计工作的专业人员参考。 目录 出版说明 序 Preface Introduction I-1 ProblemSolvingandDesign I-2 TheDesignProcess I-3 StagesofDesign I-4 FindingandUsingInformationinMachineDesign I-5 RecognizedStandardsforDesign I-6 ComputationalToolsforMachineDesign I-7 Conclusions References CHAPTER 1 WORKINGSTRESSESANDFAILURETHEORIES 1-1 FailureandPhenomenologicalFailureTheories 1-2 StressConcentrationCausedbySuddenChangeinForm 1-3 DesignforCyclicLoading 1-4 Conclusions References Problems CHAPTER 2 DESIGNOFSHAFTS 2-1 TorsionofCircularShaft 2-2 MaximumStaticShearingStress 2-3 DesignofShaftsforFluctuatingLoads 2-4 Keys 2-5 StressConcentration 2-6 Couplings 2-7 BendingLoadsinTwoPlanes 2-8 DeflectionofShaftofNonuniformDiameter 2-9 MaterialsUsedforShafting References Problems CHAPTER 3 SPRINGS 3-1 HelicalSprings 3-2 PropertiesofSpringMaterials 3-3 Hot-FormedSprings 3-4 HelicalSpringofMinimumVolumeofMaterial-StaticLoad 3-5 OptimumDesignofHelicalSpring 3-6 FatigueofSprings 3-7 DesignforFluctuatingLoads 3-8 BucklingofCompressionSprings 3-9 EffectofEndTurnsforCompressionSprings 3-11 HelicalSpringswithTorsionalLoading 3-12 LeafSprings 3-13 BellevilleSpring 3-14 RubberSprings References Problems CHAPTER 4 SCREWS 4-1 KindsofThreads 4-2 EffectofInitialStress 4-3 AdditionalDesignConsiderations 4-4 PowerScrews 4-5 Torque Required to Produce Desired Clampling Force 4-6 Friction of Screws 4-7 Stress Concentration 4-8 Locknuts 4-9 Materials and Methods of Manufacture 4-10 Stress Due to Impact Load 4-11 Relaxation References Problems CHAPTER 5 BELTS, CLUTCHES, BRAKES AND CHAINS 5-1 V-belts 5-2 Center Distance for V-beh Drive 5-3 Design of V-belts 5-4 Other Types of Belts 5-5 Disk or Plate Clutch 5-6 Roller Chains 5-7 Design Capacity of Roller Chains 5-8 Galling of Roller Chains 5-9 Polygonal Action 5-10 Silent Chain References Problems CHAPTER 6 LUBRICATION 6-1 Viscosity and Newton's Law 6-2 Petroff's Bearing Equation 6-3 Load-Carrying Journal Bearing 6-4 Load and Friction Curves for Journal Bearings 6-5 Power Lost in Friction 6-6 Designing for Film Temperature and Minimum Film Thickness 6-7 Viscosity Index 6-8 The Zn/P Curve 6-9 Bearing Materials 6-10 Bearing Loads 6-11 Construction of Bearings 6-12 Clearance and Oil Grooves 6-13 Dry Friction 6-14 Boundary or Thin-Film Lubrication 6-15 Mixed or Semifluid Lubrication References Problems CHAPTER 7 BALL AND ROLLER BEARINGS 7-1 Construction and Types of Ball Bearings 7-2 Selection of Ball Bearings 7-3 Effect of Axial Load 7-4 Design for Variable Loading 7-5 Static Capacity 7-6 Design for Different Confidence Levels 7-7 Friction and Lubrication of Ball Bearings 7-8 Bearing Materials and Surface Finish 7-9 Mounting of Bail Bearings 7-10 Permissible Misaiignment 7-11 Relative Advantages of Rolling Element Bearings 7-12 Roller Bearings 7-13 Contact Stress between Spheres and Cylinders References Problems CHAPTER 8 SPUR GEARS 8-1 Introduction 8-2 Load on Gear Tooth from Power Transmitted 8-3 Determination of Beating Loads 8-4 Materials for Gears 8-5 Lubrication and Mounting of Gears 8-6 Design of Gears to Prevent Failures References Problems CHAPTER 9 HELICAL, BEVEL, AND WORM GEARS 9-1 Helical Gears 9-2 Tooth Loads of Helical Gears 9-3 Design of Parallel Shaft Helical Gears to Prevent Failures 9-4 Loads on Bevel Gears 9-5 Design of Bevel Gears to Prevent Failures 9-6 Forces in Worm Gear Sets 9-7 Design of Worm Gear Sets References Problems APPENDIX 中英文词汇对照表 教学支持说明 |
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