释义 |
tack [tæk] noun NAIL 钉 countable ■a small sharp nail with a flat end 图钉,大头钉 [tæk] noun SEWING 缝 countable ■a long loose stitch (为定样临时缝上的)粗缝针脚,假缝 [tæk] noun RIDING EQUIPMENT 马具 uncountable ■all the objects which the rider of a horse needs, including saddles and bridles 鞍辔,马具 [tæk] noun BOAT'S DIRECTION 船的方向 countable ■the direction or distance which a boat moves at an angle to the direction of the wind, so that the boat receives the wind on its sails 戗风航行;抢风调向•The ship was on the starboard tack.那艘船右舷抢风航行。 [tæk] verb FASTEN 捆扎 transitive ■to fasten something to a place with tacks 用图钉钉 [tæk] verb SEW 缝 intransitive or transitive (US also baste) ■to sew with a long loose stitch which holds two pieces of material together until they are stitched more effectively (为定样而)用粗缝针脚缝 [tæk] verb BOAT 船只 intransitive usually + adverb or preposition ■(of a boat) to turn so that it is at an angle to the direction of the wind and receives the wind on its sails 抢风行驶(一艘船转变方向,使船身与风的方向成一角度,以使船帆可接受风力) [tæk] verb Phrasal Verbs [M] tack sth on informal ■to add something that you had not planned to add, often without much preparation or thought (临时)增补,附加•At the last minute, they tacked on a couple of extra visits to my schedule.在最后一刻,他们在我的排程上增加了几项额外的参观活动。 |