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书名 | 新流行英语口语(附光盘)/大学说英语 |
分类 | 教育考试-外语学习-英语 |
作者 | 常骏跃 |
出版社 | 大连理工大学出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 你想获得和老外用英语交谈的本领吗?你想成功地和老外进行沟通成就自己的事业吗?本书就是要帮你享受英语学习的乐趣;它教给你能得体用于交际情景的、鲜活的、流行的、地道的、现代的英语口语! 本书将特别讲授跨文化交际的知识;紧扣日常交际话题和交际场景;重点强调每个对话的交际语句精华;安排典型的对话并体现英美人口语交流中的众多语句精华;配有汉语翻译的英语对话方便理解对话并掌握语言知识。随书配有老外的地道录音。这会使你的英语学习更加轻松,更加有效,更加心情舒畅! 目录 Part 1 接触老外 1.How’S everything? 打招呼、致意 2.You know what? 开场白 3.Robert,do you know Tom? 见面介绍 4.YoU look cool! 恭维、赞美 5.Fantastic! 热情祝贺 6.Good luck! 美好祝愿 7.Cheers! 表达谢意 8.Ttake care! 分手道别 Part 2 日常沟通 1.If i were in your shoes I certainlywould. 提出意见或建议 2.It sure is. 表达同意或不同意 3.Sorry about that. 表达歉意 4.You carryit outtoofax. 争论或讨论 5.Are you kidding? 表达相信或不相信 6.Julietisl20matchforSusan 进行对比 7.Let’Smeet each otherhalfway. 妥协与折中 8.You’re all wet actually. 纠正错误 9.What’S going on? 表达好奇 10.It is a hard nut to crack. 表达难易 11.Look,all you doispressit. 进行指导 12.What do you mean to do? 表达意图 13.Are you free for dinner? 发出邀请 14.Need a hand? 主动帮助 15.How do you find things over here? 征求或表达意见 16.OK ifI do it? 征得许可 17.But is it worth the risk? 劝说他人 18.Getme a drink,will you please? 提出请求 19.Don’tyou dare! 威胁、恐吓 20.Know what I’m getting at? 核实理解情况 21.Getmoving! 催促他人 22.Mind out! 发出警告 23.Well,that’S the ttang. 肯定答复 24.I’d love to.butI can’t. 否定答复 25.Are you sure? 怀疑性答复 Part 3 情感表达 1.I She’S a thorough drag. 厌倦情绪 2.I’m all mixed up. 心情烦乱 3.That’s a real let-down. 失望与沮丧 4.If only I could have a bite of it. 希望与意愿 5.I’nl fed up with all this. 恼怒 6.I don’t care for meat. 喜欢与厌恶 7.He’S sure to win. 乐观 8.I’mboundto lose. 悲观 9.He’S always my favorite. 偏爱 10.Good Lord! 惊奇诧异 11.That’S reallytough. 同情与安慰 12.I’m really in a flap. 担心与恐惧 Part 4 交际话题 1.Have you got the time? 谈论时间和日期 2.It seems a glorious day today. 谈论天气情况 3.He’S a man of character. 谈论家人和亲戚 4.There’re plenty of fish in the sea. 谈论择偶 5.Let’S see ifwe forget things. 谈论日常活动 6.It’S appetizing and tasty. 谈论饮食 7.It feels most comfortable. 谈论服饰 8.Isn’t it something? 谈论家居 9.She has such a sharp figure. 健身护肤 10.Healthis aman’Sbestwealth. 健康问题 11.ms is the rush hour. 谈论交通 12.How about picnicking on Saturday? 谈论周末 13.That’S a day to commemorate the poet. 谈论节日 14.Didyou enjoyyourvacation? 谈论假期 15.I prefer a package tour. 谈论旅游 16.How do you like it so far? 谈论工作 17.she comes top. 谈论学习 18.I don’t think much Ofit. 谈论电视节目 19.The acting is marvelous. 谈论电影 20.I’m dreadfully SOrry. 谈论情感 21.It’s an out and out fabrication! 谈论报刊杂志 22.He’Sverypopular. 谈论人物 23.NOW the score is in our favor. 谈论体育运动 24.Hey,nice new caryou have there! 谈车论驾 25.How stupiditlooks! 谈衣论妆 26.Whose mobile phone sounds SO beautiful? 手机文化 27.He is my id01. 偶像崇拜 28.Few show biz stars have long careers. 明星世界 29.I like chatting online. 网瘾网恋 30.Can you cash the check? 网上购物 Part 5 交际实景 1.Your background? 出国留学 2.It’S a beautiful! 馈赠礼物 3.Can you cash the check? 银行存取 4.Do youwanta shampoo? 理发美发 5.Anything to declare? 海关手续 6.I don’t feel like eating today. 生病就医 7.How are youfeelingnow? 医院探望 8.Can you helpme,sir? 警局报案 9.Excuse me.I couldn’t find my luggage 失物认领 10.Have you any vacancies? 旅馆下榻 11.He has a full schedule thisweek. 职场办公 12.Do youwantitinsured? 邮寄函件 13.One Big Mac and a Coke. 在快餐店 14.What’S today’S special? 外出就餐 15.Let§go roller—skating. 休闲时光 16.A black coffee. please. 酒吧小聚 17.What 's on? 观看电影 18.Can I tryit on? 商场购物 19.Askingtheway. 出外问路 20.Howmuchisthefare? 乘坐公交 21.Taxi! 外出打的 22.Will youbefree at nine? 安排约会 23.Is there a room available? 预约预订 24.Spealdng. 接打电话 25.I’11 put myself a=c your disposal. 外商参观 26.Doyou have a specific request? 洽谈生意 27.It is under Our cost. 讨价还价 28.We call finally enter into a contract. 签约仪式 |
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